Wuthering Waves Characters English & Japanese Voice Actors

Our Wuthering Waves voice actors list shares all English and Japanese VA for Resonators.

Wuthering Waves Voice Actors List
Here's the voice actor list for Wuthering Waves. | © Kuro Games

Wuthering Waves offers a big roster of playable characters who are brought to life by their phenomenal voice actors, whom you come to love as you play these characters and learn more about them through their backstories, voice lines, interactions and such things.


Apart from aesthetics and character design, voice actors are also one of the main reasons why players choose a certain character in a gacha game like Wuthering Waves.

With that said, here is our complete list of Wuthering Waves characters and their English and Japanese voice actors.

Wuthering Waves Voice Actors List

Wuthering Waves
Below is the complete list of English and Japanese VA for Wuthering Waves characters. | © Kuro Games

Here are all the Resonators in Wuthering Waves, along with details on their English and Japanese VA:

ResonatorEnglish VAJapanese VA
Rover (Male)TBAMatsuda Toshiki
Rover (Female)TBAMinase Inori
YangyangRebecca YeoYui Ishikawa
ChixiaHarriet CarmichaelAnna Nagase
JiyanAlex JordanYuki Ono
AaltoJames DayRyota Iwasaki
TaoqiClare Louis ConnollyHina Yomiya
EncoreCarina ReevesChikano Ibuki
BaizhiSamantha DakinAsami Seto
LingyanAleksander VaradianNatsuki Hanae
SanhuaJennifer ArmourMatsuda Risae
YinlinTBAKoshimizu Ami

We will update the list when Kuro Games shares details on the remaining characters' voice actors and new ones.

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Hritwik Raj
Hritwik Raj