Fnatic, G2 and Rogue Remain Undefeated in Day 2 of Super Week

The second day of the LEC brought us several surprises as MAD Lions stumbled against SK Gaming, while Fnatic handed Team Vitality their second loss despite a great start for the superteam.

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Fnatic won another game - and again they had to work for it © Riot Games

The LEC superweek continued on Saturday with five more games, including the much-expected Match of the Week between Fnatic and Team Vitality. Vitality had stumbled against MAD Lions, yet Fnatic had showed us some early game weaknesses against Team BDS. Which of the two much-hyped juggernauts would prevail?

Rogue's Good Form Continues

Misfits Gaming pressed Rogue hard in the early game of the opening match, killing Emil "Larssen" Larsson twice in the first five minutes. However, Kim "Malrang" Geun-seong was very active as well, setting up several counterplays for his team and Rogue took the gold and kill lead just 9 minutes in. The mid-game went Rogue’s way as well as a 4-1 fight 22 minutes in allowed them to take the first Baron and dominate the map. Some ten minutes later, Misfits tried a desperate baron of their own. They managed to secure it, but not to get out safe - and after killing four, Rogue closed out the game.

Team BDS Defeats Excel

In the second game, Excel Esports took on Team BDS as both squads came back from difficult games on the opening way. The UK team had the stronger early game, scoring two kills and amassing a nearly 2.5K gold lead at 15 minutes, but several skirmishes as the mid-game started saw BDS take the lead. The two teams stayed close through much of the game until BDS secured their second Baron and won a teamfight near the dragon pit before pushing to win.

SK Gaming Upsets MAD

SK Gaming would be taking on MAD Lions in game three. Javier "Elyoya" Prades Batalla would once again play a clutch role in the opening minutes, securing first blood in the top lane and setting up both sidelanes to dominate. However, SK played the mid-game masterfully, playing around the Baron 21 minutes in to force MAD to contest 4v5 and winning the ensuing fight and the objective off a great engage by Erik "Treatz" Wessén, then securing an early Chemtech soul. MAD defended themselves well and equalized the game, which dragged on even after several elder dragons. It took 53 minutes for someone to break the deadlock - and it was SK, who caught Elyoya overextended and won the chaotic teamfight, chased off the stragglers and ended the game to win a clutch victory.

Second Win for G2 Esports

G2 Esports came in as heavy favorites against Astralis and wasted little time to assert their dominance on the map, even breaking an inhibitor tower just 18 minutes into the game.Two minutes later, however, Astralis got two kills and started the Baron - only to misplay the fight when G2 arrive, leaving the objective free to secure for their opponents. The gold difference gradually grew, and even though the underdogs could get kills, they could not push the enemy back. Eventually, G2 secured a second Baron and top laner Sergen "Broken Blade" Çelik monstered through the ensuing teamfight, leaving his team with a clean path to the enemy Nexus.

Fnatic Prevails in Showdown with Team Vitality

The match of the week had a lot of us hyped, and it started delivering very early on when Martin "Wunder" Hansen showed off some amazing footwork to turn back a three-man tower dive, getting two kills before falling and leaving his mid laner to finish off the third. However, Team Vitality’s push was unrelenting and soon, they had the gold lead, extending it to 6K just 20 minutes in. It all seemed to go pear-shaped for Fnatic (again) when Vitality overchased near the Baron, giving back three kills and letting their opponents secure soul point. Fnatic’s mid-game teamfighting was on point and in the next few minutes it resulted in them securing the baron and the ocean soul. Oskar "Selfmade" Boderek’s fed Qiyana was not enough in the decisive fight 32 minutes in and Fnatic got four kills and the game, marking another comeback win.

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The LEC continues on Sunday with the opening game between Team BDS and Misfits Gaming starting at 5 PM CET.