League of Legends: Rekkles Comes Home

Rekkles left Fnatic two years ago. Now, the bot laner is going to return to his old team. Is there anything more iconic?

Rekkles Fnatic Worlds
He's back in the orange and black! | © Riot Games

It's been two years since Martin "Rekkles" Larsson left Fnatic back in 2020. He spent the last year in the LFL with Karmine Corp, but at the end of 2022 he expressed his desire to return to the LEC in 2023.

Now, it seems like Rekkles fans can breathe easy, because the veteran bot laner has made an announcement that didn't really shock anyone, right? 2023 will be the season of Rekkles back on Fnatic. Is history repeating itself?

LoL: Rekkles Back On Fnatic For 2023 LEC Season

Rekkles and Fnatic go hand-in-hand. While he did leave the org back in 2020 to try and win a championship with arch-rival G2 Esports, he will be making his return to the black and orange org for the 2023 LEC season. This isn't the first time Rekkles has tried to leave Fnatic though.

Back in 2015, Rekkles spent some time on Alliance, as well as Elements in the EULCS before returning to Fnatic and spending five years as the teams' bot laner. So, is his return really that surprising? No, Rekkles and Fnatic are basically synonymous at this point, which can also be seen in the roster announcement video of Fnatic.

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Complete Fnatic Roster For 2023 Season

Most of the players from the 2022 roster will return. Humanoid was smurfing on other mid laners in the LEC, as well as at the 2022 League of Legends World Championship and Wunder and Razork were also solid players throughout the year.

The only new additions to the squad will be Rekkles in the bot lane, as well as his support. With Hylissang signing with the MAD Lions for 2023, it left a spot open which has been filled by Rúben "Rhuckz" Barbosa who played on the Fnatic academy team before.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....