LoL: Hollow Radiance – New Tank Item For Season 14

With the beginning of Season 14 in League of Legends, we got tons of new items for every role. Besides mages and assassins, tanks also got tons of great new items, and we're here to tell you everything you need to know about them. This time, we'll take a look at Hollow Radiance!

Frozen Shen
LoL: New Tank item Hollow Radiance added to LoL in Season 14. | © Riot Games

With the start of Season 14, we also got tons of new items, including for tanks. Hollow Radiance is one of them and is the MR version of Sunfire Aegis.


Hollow Radiance: Stats

Hollow Radiance costs 2800 gold and is therefore a pretty cheap legendary item. It grants you tons of great stats and a unique passive, which will also help you to waveclear. For more deets, check out the following list:

  • 40 MR
  • 600 Health
  • 100% Base Health Regeneration
  • Immolate: Taking or dealing damage activates this passive for 3 seconds. Deal 10 (+1.75% bonus health) magice damage every second to enemies within 325 (+100% bonus size) units, with the damage being increased by 25% against minions. This executes minions that would be killed by one more tick of damage. Taking or dealing damage refreshes the duration of this effect.
  • Desolate: Killing an enemy deals 20 (+3.5% bonus health) magic damage to enemies near them.

Hollow Radiance: Build

To build Hollow Radiance, you'll need the followin items:

  • Bami's Cinder (items + 200 gold)
    • Ruby Crystal (400 gold)
    • Ruby Crystal (400 gold)
  • Spectre's Cowl (items + 400 gold)
    • Ruby Crystal (400 gold)
    • Null-Magic Mantle (450 gold)
  • 550 gold


Champions That Should Build Hollow Radiance

Dr. Mundo
Mundo is a great champ for Hollow Radiance. | © Riot Games

If you're laning against an AP champion as a full tank in the Top Lane, this item is made for you. Hollow Radiance is the MR version of Sunfire Aegis and probably one of the best additions for tanks. On top of that, it can also help out champions who struggle with waveclear. Examples are Shen or Mundo, but also Malphite if you got counterpicked with an AP enemy champ.

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Eric Leneschmidt

Eric loved playing video games since he was little and is now a gaming journalist at EarlyGame. To escape from his League of Legends addiction, he also enjoys movies, TV shows, as well as internet drama....