LEC Week 1 Spring MVP: BDS Crownie

Team BDS came close to being undefeated in the starting week of the LEC 2023 Spring Season - and while he couldn´t quite get his team there, Juš "Crownie" Marušič is still our MVP of the week.

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Team BDS is looking promising | © Riot Games

The LEC is back for another rapid-fire season and the fighting is already fast and hard. As the smoke cleared, just two teams remained undefeated - SK Gaming and Team Vitality. Just a step behind, however, we have G2 Esports, Astralis, and Team BDS waiting to pounce. All of these five teams showed up this week and several players delivered some impressive performances. But if we have to choose just one - and we do - it would be Team BDS´ AD Carry, Juš "Crownie" Marušič.

Sure, it´s practically a heresy to go for him when fellow ADC Steven “Hans Sama” Liv opened up his spring season with a Pentakill. It wouldn't be the first time the G2 AD Carry has earned that reward, too. Still, Hans Sama´s two wins were both on his signature Draven and against teams we don´t have very high expectations for, while Crownie played a different champion every game and had a deathless game against the winter finalists, MAD Lions. That counts for something too.

Crownie, or Crownshot as he was known for a while, spent several years in the European challenger scene, trying to break into the then–EU LCS several times. He won recognition with several successful EU Masters events and eventually made it to the SK Gaming squad in 2019. While he spent several years in Europe before a brief stay in the LFL in 2022, he was seen as a good AD Carry but seldom considered one of the greats. However, if his performance last week was any indication, this may just change.

Unfortunately for the Slovenian bot laner, his spring campaign started with a loss to SK Gaming, where despite a strong start his Aphelios fell prey to several great flanks and assassinations by the enemy Gnar and Akali. He bounced back in the next game with an absolutely brutal Zeri that terrorized MAD Lions and ended up undefeated, before giving Team Heretics a preview of what a top-tier Xayah looks like. With a double-digit KDA for both wins and a total one of 6 for the entire week, Crownie was on a roll.

Game 1: Aphelios354
Game 2: Zeri1105
Game 3: Xayah716

Read More about the LEC:

The LEC will return on Saturday, and Crownie’s Team BDS will face off against the struggling Fnatic. Will it be another dominant victory or will the veteran Martin “Rekkles” Larsson find a way to surprise his rival?