LoL Lore: The Story of Ezreal, The Prodigal Explorer

Ezreal is a brave adventurer travelling through Runeterra. But what else does he bring to the table? We'll tell you everything you need to know about Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer by uncovering some LoL Champion Lore about him. Let's dive right into it!

Where did he get his gauntlet again? You can check it out here! | © Riot Games


Who Is Ezreal To His Lore?

A curious child that was raised in a wealthy neighborhood of Piltover, Ezreal often lived with his uncle, the esteemed Professor Lymere, since his parents were archeologists and always on the go. Quickly, he became used to their long absences and often started to fantasize about joining them on their adventures.

With Ezreal always being around his uncle, he started to turn him nuts, since he was an unruly and tiring child. For that reason, his uncle gave him tons of tasks to study the world of Runeterra. Ezreal though, just absorbed the information and started to crave for more. Ezreal snagged time to roam the campus. He had a blast dodging guards, exploring tunnels, and scaling library roofs. Plus, he pulled some pranks – picking locks, sneaking into teachers' offices, and messing with their stuff just for fun.

Explorer Ezreal
Such a rascal! | © Riot Games

When Ezreal's parents came back home, his dad would spill all about their adventures. They were all hyped up about finding the hidden tomb of Ne’Zuk, a Shuriman beast who could teleport like a boss. Ezreal's dad dreamt of mastering that magic, joking that he'd pop into Piltover for dinner every night, no matter where he was globe-trotting.


In Search For His Parents

As Ezreal got older, his parents visited less and eventually stopped coming altogether. Professor Lymere sadly said they probably bit the dust somewhere in the desert.

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Ezreal wasn't buying it. They were too smart to just vanish. So, ditching his studies, he decided to search for them. Figured he'd start by finding the burial spot of Ne’Zuk. After swiping some gear from the university, like star maps, runic guides, and special goggles, he left a goodbye note for his uncle and hopped on a supply ship to Nashramae.

Following his mom's detailed notes, he trekked across the Great Sai with southbound merchant caravans. For months, he explored ancient ruins beneath the shifting sands, facing creepy creatures guarding hidden places. With each step, he felt closer to cracking the mystery of his parents' vanishing act.

Finally, he hit the jackpot where they couldn't. Under a newer mausoleum of an unnamed emperor, he found Ne’Zuk's tomb.

Ezreal's Gauntlet

Ezreal's Gauntlet
The left gauntlet of Ne'Zuk. | © Riot Games

The big coffin was empty, except for a shiny bronze gauntlet with a sparkling crystal thing in the middle. When Ezreal touched it, the tomb went haywire, throwing ancient traps and wards at him. No sweat for Ezreal, though. He slapped on the gauntlet, blew through the obstacles, and even teleported the last bit before the whole place caved in a sandstorm.

Gasping for air, he checked out the humming gauntlet. It felt like it was tapping into his energy, amping it up. It hit him – this thing was an insane weapon from way back. Fit for a Shuriman god-warrior, and the perfect gear for an explorer like him.


A Beaten Path Is A Boring Path

Ezreal in Zaun
Ezreal discovering the Vault of Resplendent Holies beneath Zaun's Sump. | © Riot Games

Back in Piltover, Ezreal dove headfirst into one adventure after another. From forgotten cities to magical temples, his knack for treasure hunting took him to places even brainy professors only dreamed of. His rep started booming, though in Ezreal's mind, the stories barely scratched the surface of his epic deeds. But that got him thinking – if he could be the biggest adventurer ever, his parents would surely show up.

Ezreal zigzagged to all corners Runeterra got to offer, chasing fame and digging up ancient stuff. Some folks might doubt his stories or question his methods, but Ezreal just shrugs off the haters.

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Eric Leneschmidt

Eric loved playing video games since he was little and is now a gaming journalist at EarlyGame. To escape from his League of Legends addiction, he also enjoys movies, TV shows, as well as internet drama....