LoL: New Huntress Champion From Freljord Leaked

There are new leaks about Riot Games' release of a new champion from Freljord – the Huntress.

Freljord is a wild and hostile place – people here are born warriors who spend their entire lives fighting against all odds. | © Riot Games

Freljord is a cruel and unforgiving land, associated with perpetual cold and frost. Which is exactly what we can experience on Summoner's Rift.

Even though this land is full of strong warriors, various creatures, spirits and gods, it seems to be a huge mine of ideas for unique heroes that could be introduced to League of Legends even in the near future. Unfortunately for Riot Games, it's been a pretty big guess for quite a long time, since the last representative of Freljord was released all the way back five years ago! Yes, Ornn has been in the game for five years now.

Thanks to the vigilance of a YouTuber and a respected LoL leaker, we now got some information about the new champion coming from Freljord.

LoL Champs
© Riot Games

New Freljord Champion Coming To LoL?

BigBadBear is a YouTuber with about 50,000 subscribers, best known for his leaks for the LoL gaming community. This time, BigBadBear has posted a YouTube video in which he shares information about four champions that may be coming to the game in the near future.

Three of these characters have already been officially confirmed by Riot Games, while the information about the huntress from Freljord is quite fresh, and at the same time – satisfying.


New Freljord Huntress – Everything We Know So Far

Speaking of the Freljord huntress, presumably the new character will have ice magic powers. It will also be another additional pick for top or AD-Carry mains. Also, leaks have mentioned that the new champ is supposed to have a certain special weapon, that we don't know much about yet. Yet... So keep checking for updates.

Despite the lack of official references to the new freljordian female, according to Bear, we should expect concrete information in late April or early May. Keep in mind that these are only leaks, and all of the above is subject to change.

So stay tuned and keep checking our website for the newest info!

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Oliwia Lewicka

Oliwia was part of EarlyGame's content team. She wrote news and guides for the Gaming, LoL and Entertainment categories....