New LoL Champion Naafiri: Can You Pet The Dog?

Naafiri has been revealed to the public and after a long time we finally got a new creature champion. The best part? She is a dog. So now we need to know if we can pet her, of course.

Naafiri is the new champion, but can you pet her? | © Riot games

Naafiri has been revealed and she looks incredible. She is going to be the first full creature champion since Yuumi, but unlike the support kitten Naafiri is going to be a scary looking grotesque creature that resembles a dog.

Of course, this means that players want to know the most important thing about her. Can you pet her? There is a whole Twitter dedicated to this question and we're going to see whether Riot did the right thing and let us pet Naafiri or if players are going to be greatly disappointed.


Can You Pet The Newest LoL Champion Naafiri?

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Naafiri is a dog champion. She has become part of a pack of hounds from Shurima and through this bond she has learned that working together in a pack is superior to working alone. This has been revealed in her champion trailer already.

Her whole kit is also going to be focusing on her and her pack, with new hounds spawning through her passive and her packmates continuously attacking for her and with her.

With so many doggos on the screen we've had to ask ourselves, will we be able to pet Naafiri?

Do you want to pet a dog like this? | © Riot Games

Games like Assassin's Creed Odyssey let you pet the dogs, while other games like Genshin Impact don't. We know who the real winners are in this department, eh? Well, what did Riot decide to do?


Of course you're going to be able to pet Naafiri! There is an interaction with this champion that will let you pet her, but the developers have stated that they're going to let players figure it out themselves without outright telling them what they need to do to pet Naafiri.

How To Pet Naafiri In League of Legends

Naafiri Soul Fighter
Naafiri is getting a Soul Fighter skin! | © Riot Games

Now that Naafiri is on the PBE server for testing, players have been trying her out. Of course, one of the first things people looked to do was also pet her. So, how exactly can you pet Naafiri in the game?

It's actually very simple. There are multiple steps you need to follow to be able to pet her infinitely so just follow the steps below and you've got an unlimited amount of pets for Naafiri.


  1. Press CTRL+1 Twice
  2. Press CTRL+2 Once Animation Ends
  3. Press CTRL+3 Once Second Animation Ends
  4. Press CTRL+3 Once Third Animation Ends

Once you do this you're going to have infinite pets for Naafiri. Naafiri is going to be a lot of fun to play, especially in the Arena game mode.

Naafiri will go live in LoL Patch 13.14, along with the skins from the big summer event – Soul Fighter. So make sure to save up some RP for great skins and a great event.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....