Nilah hasn't even been released yet, but we love her already. So let's go over her champion kit, as well as her lore and everything else we know about her!

Nilah is thenewest champion in League of Legends, and she is going to make many a player (and bot) tremble in fear. Plus, she looks like a badass.
So, who is Nilah, what are her abilities, and when will we finally get our hands on this unique, fun and interesting new champion? Let’s check out Nilah and everything we know about her!
What Abilities & Stats Will Nilah Have?
Nilah will have some pretty unique and interesting abilities. She's a melee a bot-laner after all...
These are Nilah's Abilities
Ability | Effect |
Passive - Joy Ending | Nilah amplifies the healing and shielding abilities of nearby allies. Allies that heal or shield Nilah gain a bonus heal or shield for themselves. And when an allied champion heals or shields themselves near Nilah, she gives herself a bonus heal or shield. If Nilah last hits an enemy minion, she and her nearest allied champion will gain the normal amount of shared experience, plus half of the experience that would have been lost due to sharing. |
Q - Formless Blade | Active: Nilah’s Formless Blade strikes in a line, damaging all enemies hit. Hitting an enemy will briefly increase Nilah’s attack range and attack speed and empower her basic attacks, causing them to splash in a cone and deal additional damage.Passive: Attacks and ability damage against champions ignore some of their armor and heal Nilah for part of the damage dealt. This effect scales with crit chance and converts any excess healing into a shield. |
W - Jubilant Veil | Nilah shrouds herself in a Jubilant Veil and briefly gains bonus move speed, takes reduced magic damage, and dodges all incoming basic attacks. Touching an ally champion hides them in the veil as well, but they’ll be protected for a shorter period. |
E - Slipstream | Slipstream lets Nilah dash through a target unit, traveling a fixed distance every time and damaging all enemies she passes through. She can store up to 2 charges at once. Cast Formless Blade during Slipstream to pull a wave in your path, dealing damage after a quick delay and granting Formless Blade's enhanced basic attack effect. |
R - Apotheosis | Nilah unleashes a surge of power, lashes her whip in an area around her and, with a final burst, pulls enemies in toward the center. Apotheosis heals Nilah for part of the damage dealt, converting any excess healing into a shield. This effect scales with crit chance and is granted to nearby allies. |
When Will Nilah Be Released?
Nilah will be released on July 13 in patch 12.3. So you don't have long left to wait until you can try out the new melee bot-laner. Whether she'll be able to stack up the other champions in terms of raw power, though, we don't yet know.
What Skins Will Nilah Have?
We know of at least one skin that Nilah have thanks to recent leaks:
Star Guardian Nilah
— Big Bad Bear (@BigBadBear_) June 22, 2022
So what are you waiting for? Save some blue essence, because Nilah is going to be one hell of a champion that you won’t want to miss out on. She is unique, and fun!