LoL Patch 11.21 Notes Highlights

What are the biggest changes from LoL Patch 11.21? Let's go over the Patch Notes highlights!

Patch 11 21
Teemo Buffs incoming! | © Riot Games

We’re nearing the end of Season 11 in League of Legends ranked play, which makes these patch notes pretty important. These are the final stages before the end of the season and if you’re in Silver I, then this is your last chance to make it to Gold for a chance to get your hands on that Victorious Blitzcrankskin.

The 2021 Season has had its ups and downs with various jungle changes, new items a lot of people hate and new visuals for the item shop. So, before our whole experience gets shaken up once more, let’s take a look at the smaller updates that came in LoL Patch 11.21.

Teemo Blinding Dart Buffs in LoL Patch 11.21

Teemo is going to be a solid pick in Patch 11.21 thanks to the buffs to his Blinding Dart. His Q cooldown got shortened in the patch, making him a menace in the top lane. If the fact that he could blind you more often isn’t triggering enough, then just wait.

Because Teemo also got a buff to the longevity of the blind his dart causes. In other words, if you can level his Q to max, then you can basically perma-blind enemy champions – or at least it’ll feel like that.

Lux Shines Bright in Patch 11.21

As Riot wrote in their patch notes, ‘Lux hasn’t been shining brightly in recent times’ which means she is getting a few buffs. The E damage buff from Patch 11.10 wasn’t enough, and she is being reinforced some more.

The duration of her passive Illumination mark was extended if Lux's basic attack is already in flight to the target, or if R - Final Spark, is being cast. Her E and ultimate are also getting some love in Patch 11.21, getting more damage.

Goredrinker Nerfed Hard in Patch 11.21

Goredrinker has been one of the best items in League of Legends all of Season 11. Now, with the rise of assassins also building the item instead of just bruisers, Riot has decided that enough is enough and are nerfing the item.

So, what exactly is being done to combat the reign of Goredrinker? Well, Riot is removing its low-health bonus AD (to nerf damage for fighters) and weakening Thirsting Slash's AD scaling (to nerf damage for assassins).

Goredrinker will grant 8% Omnivamp, deal 175% base AD with its active. What was removed, though? Goredrinker no longer grants 0-15% (based on missing health) of your AD as bonus AD, and it no longer grants 150% health regen.

/All Chat Disabled in Patch 11.21

For this patch – and the next one – /all is going to be disabled. This means you won’t be able to utilize the all chat function for a few weeks. Riot is doing this to combat toxicity within games, but the decision to get rid of /all has been met with a lot of frustration by the community.

That’s why Riot has stated that this is only a test for the next two patches, and then they will reinstate /all chat.

Truth Dragon Yasuo
One of two Yasuo skins! | © Riot Games

Skins Released in LoL Patch 11.21

We’re receiving seven skins in LoL patch 11.21. Riot is releasing new Dragonmancer skins with five champions donning the new skins. Volibear and Yasuo are both getting two skins in this patch.

  • Dream Dragon Yasuo
  • Truth Dragon Yasuo
  • Lagoon Dragon Kai’Sa
  • Steel Dragon Thresh
  • Tranquility Dragon Karma
  • Duality Dragon Volibear
  • Duality Dragon Volibear Prestige Edition

Volibear is getting a prestige skin in this patch, which only leaves Brand prestige-less for this year. Maybe in Patch 11.23, we’ll be receiving the prestige Brand skin we’ve been waiting for – and the Debonair 2.0 skins as well!

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....