LoL: Riot Reveal New Mythic Ashen Knight Skin

Riot is going to give players one more Ashen Knight skin in 2023. This time the chosen champion is Shen who is going to be the guardian of the Ashen Knigths it seems.

Ashen Guardian Shen
LoL: Now this is a mythic skin! | © Riot Games

Riot have just revealed the next skin to be added to the mythic shop rotation. In the upcoming League of Legends Patch, Patch 13.6, we are going to have another mythic skin rotation, as well as new Prestige skins in the shop to purchase with our precious Mythic Essence.

Unfortunately, Riot will be stopping players from getting free ME monthly with the Prime Gaming capsules, so you'll likely have to spend real world money if they want to get any of these skins.


LoL: New Mythic Skin Revealed by Riot Games

LoL Patch 13.6 is going to go live on March 22, 2023. Players will be able to pick up some new skins in the mythic shop and one of them will be the brand-new seasonal mythic. Riot have been listening to players feedback after the backlash of the Ashen Slayer Sylas and Ashen Conqueror Pantheon skins.

Shen in Project L would be kind of fun... right?

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This time we're getting a ninja champion, but honestly, Shen fits the theme perfectly, giving fans Samurai vibes with the armor and all the animations the skin has to offer players.

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This skin is currently on the Public Beta Environment for testing, where any player can go and try out the skin to give feedback to Riot.

This skin is also going to be getting some voice-overs to add to the universe and just how unique it is. You're buying a skin for a pretty hefty price tag. It seems though that Shen was a great fit for the universe and this will be another great skin from the skin line, along with Pyke and Mordekaiser.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....