The release of League of Legends patch 13.5 is just around the corner. For the new LoL patch, Riot has been working eagerly on balancing the jungle as well as powering the difference between melee and ranged supports. We'll sum up what we already know about LoL patch 13.5!

League of Legends Patch 13.4 is already coming to an end, so it's time for us to look ahead and check what LoL Patch 13.5 has in offer. There are still a lot of issues that Riot promised to take care of, as well as some new projects we look forward to.
What about the issues regarding the mage class, for example? They have been suffering since several months now, and Riot is working on getting them back up to pace with the other mid lane champions.
LoL Patch 13.5 Patch Notes
By now, there is already a whole bunch of changes that were spotted on the League of Legends PBE Server. Let's take a look at the early patch notes!
League of Legends Champion Adjustments
Base Stats
- Magic resist reduced from 32 to 29
E - Shadow Slash
- Cooldown reduced from 5 - 4 seconds to 5 - 3
Base Stats
- Base health reduced: 622 ⇒ 550
- Base mana reduced: 380 ⇒ 320
- Mana growth increased: 36 ⇒ 40
- Base Attack Speed increased: 0.625 ⇒ 0.694
- Attack Speed Ratio increased: 0.625 ⇒ 0.694
- Attack Speed Growth increased: 3% ⇒ 4%
Passive - Shurima's Legacy:
- Tower cooldown reduced: 180s ⇒ 90s
- Tower AP ratio increased: 15% ⇒ 50%
Q - Conquering Sands
- Base Damage reduced: 70-150 ⇒ 60 - 120
- AP ratio increased: 30% ⇒ 45%
- Mana cost increast: 55 flat ⇒ 60 - 80
W - Arise!
- Attack speed removed
- Soldier base damage reduced: 50 - 150 (per level) ⇒ 50 - 90 (per rank)
- Mana cost reduced: 40 ⇒ 30
E - Shifting Sands
- Mana cost reduced: 60 ⇒ 45
It seems like the recent Azir changes haven't quite hit the mark for Riot. They are still working on further adjustments for the Emperor of the Sands, but let's be honest: Will Azir ever be a balanced champion?
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Base Stats
- Base Health: 640 ⇒ 600
- Health Growth: 101 ⇒ 105
- Attack Damage Growth: 2.95 ⇒ 3.25
Q - Ranger's Focus
- [REMOVED] No longer requires Focus to cast
- [NEW] Cooldown: 10 seconds
- Attack Speed: 25-55% ⇒ 25-45%
- Total Damage: 105-125% total AD ⇒ 105-145% total AD
- About 3-11% more total damage, further increasing with AS purchases
W - Volley
- Cooldown: 18-4s ⇒ 18-6s
R - Enchanted Crystal Arrow
- Cooldown: 80/70/60s ⇒ 100/80/60s
Riot is also going to be making some more adjustments to other champions:
- Pantheon
- Zed (E cooldown revert)
Base Stats
- Base Health regeneration: 7.5 ⇒ 6
- Base Attack Speed: 0.644 ⇒ 0.658
- Attack Speed ratio: 0.644 ⇒ 0.658
Q - Comet Spear
- Cooldown: 13/11.75/10.5/9.25/8 ⇒ 11/10.25/9.5/8.75/8
- Mana cost: 30 ⇒ 25
- Cast time: 0.25 ⇒ 0.2
E - Aegis Assault
- Cooldown: 22/20.5/19/17.5/16 ⇒ 22/21/20/19/18
Ready for a deep dive into the world of Runeterra? Check "Ruination: A League of Legends Novel"!
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Champion Buffs
LeBlanc is going to be getting buffed in the next League of Legends patch, but there will be some more champions that join her.
W - Infernal Chains
- slow increased from 25% flat to 25% - 35%
- Cooldown reduced from 20 - 14 seconds to 20 - 12
R - World Ender
- Bonus AD increased from 20% - 40% to 20% - 45%
W - Seastone Trident
- Mana refund increased from 20 - 52 to 30 - 70 (fully refunds mana cost)
E - Playful/Trickster
- Magic Damage increased from 70 - 270 (+90% AP) to 80 - 280 (+90% AP)
- Mana Cost reduced from 90 - 110 to 75 - 95
Q - Thundering Shuriken
- Base damage increased from 75 - 255 to 75 - 275
- AP ratio increased from 75% to 85%
- Cooldown reduced from 8 - 4 seconds to 7 - 4
E - Lightning Rush
- Minion damage increased from 50% to 65%
E - Electro Harpoon
- Magic resistance reduction increased from 10% flat to 12% - 20% (20% to 24% - 40% for danger zone)
Base Stats
- Health growth increased from 112 to 115
- AD growth increased from 3.7 to 4
P - Daredevil Impulse
- Bonus MS per stack increased from 1% - 4% to 2% - 3.5%
Base Stats
- Attack speed growth increased from 1% to 1.36%
W - Zap!
- W slow increased from 30% - 70% to 40% - 80%
- W mana cost reduced from 50 - 70 reduced 40 - 60
R - Super Mega Death Rocket!
- R monster execute cap increased from 800 to 1200
Q - Elemental Wrath/Edge of Ixtal
- Base damage increased from 50 - 170 to 50 - 190
E - Audacity
- Cooldown reduced from 12 - 8 seconds to 11 - 7
Q - Sigil of Malice
- Refunds 100% mana and 30% remaining cooldown if either part hits a target
- Now deals 10-146 bonus damage against minions
- same affects apply for RQ
Champion Nerfs
Of course, where there are buffs, there are also nerfs in League of Legends. Some champions have just been way too strong lately and Riot is looking to dial back some power for some champions.
E - Mourning Mist
- Bonus ghoul damage reduced from 40% to 30%
Base Stats
- AD growth reduced from 3.5 to 2.75
Q - Powerball
- Base damage reduced from 100 - 220 to 100 - 200
E - Bladecaller
- Physical Damage reduced from 55 - 95 (+60% bonus AD) to 50 - 90 (+60% bonus AD)
- Cooldown increased from 10 - 8s to 11 - 9s
Base Stats
- AD reduced from 62 to 60
- Armor reduced from 28 to 27
Aurelion Sol
Base Stats
- HP per Level: 100 --> 95
- Armor per Level --> 4.6 --> 4.3
Q - Breath of Light
- Burst Proc AP Ratio: 40% --> 35%
P - Trial by Fire
- Base damage: 55 - 310 ⇒ 50 - 250
E - Powder Keg
- Recharge timer: 18/17/16/15/14 ⇒ 18 flat
- Number of barrels are now displayed for all players on his HP bar
E - Contaminate
- AP ratio per stack: 35% ⇒ 30%
System Adjustments in LoL Patch 13.5
Riot will be making some adjustments to items and systems in League of Legends, with items like Seraph's Embrace being a bit too strong, while Cosmic Embrace has felt rather underwhelming for mages.
Item/System | Changes |
Cosmic Drive |
Archangel's Staff & Seraph's Embrace |
Plated Steelcaps |
Triumph |
Grasp of the Undying |
Sweeping Lens |

Jungle Adjustment in LoL Patch 13.5
Riot is also looking to make.... adjustments to the jungle. Are we even surprised? They will be reverting some of the previous changes they've made, like enemy jungle reduction. They will also adjust lane experience in the early game, along with camp gold.
Curious about the exact changes? Well don't worry we've got a detailed article, outlining all the changes in the jungle in LoL Patch 13.5.
Riot Phlox also wrote on Twitter that these should be the final disruptive changes for the role, so let's hope we won't need to write about more jungle adjustments in LoL Patch 13.6.
Yuumi Rework Rolling Out with LoL Patch 13.5
Some more big news about everybody's darling! Yuumi has been rumored to receive a rework for a few weeks now, and Riot has finally confirmed and came ahead with some major details about the rework
The abilities that are about to change the most are her Q and her Ultimate. The latter of those won't be rooting enemies anymore. Instead, it will only slow them, but you'll be able to change your Ultimate's direction via mouse clicks.
For a more in-depth look about the Yuumi rework check out our dedicated article:
Nidalee to Receive Voice Update in LoL Patch 13.5
Also worth mentioning: Nidalee is set to receive a Voice Update in LoL Patch 13.5. This is already in light of the Milio release, since she is supposed to take an important role in the Ixtal enchanter's lore.
You can actually check out all her new voice lines yourself and see if you like them or not. She's definitely got a lot more to say now!
ARAM Changes in LoL Patch 13.5
ARAM Tower Adjustments
ARAM Tower Changes
- Outer Tower
- Tower Power-Up
- Attack Damage: 185 ⇒ 233 (over 8 minutes) ⇒⇒ 185 ⇒ 293 (over 12 minutes)
- Base Armor: 70 ⇒ 75, scaling to 96 over 8 minutes
- Base Magic Resist: 75, scaling to 96 over 8 minutes
- At 12 minutes, the Outer Tower's Armor and Magic Resist will be set to 40.
- Tower Power-Up
- Inhibitor Tower
- Tower Power-Up
- Attack Damage: 195 ⇒ 243 (over 8 minutes) ⇒⇒ 195 ⇒ 375 (over 15 minutes)
- Base Armor: 70 ⇒ 75, scaling to 96 over 8 minutes
- Base Magic Resist: 75, scaling to 96 over 8 minutes
- Unique Buff: Fortification – When the Outer Tower falls, this Tower receives 30% Damage Reduction for 60 seconds
- Tower Power-Up
- Nexus Tower:
- Tower Power-Up
- Attack Damage: 175 ⇒ 223 (over 8 minutes) ⇒⇒ 195 ⇒ 375 (over 15 minutes)
- Base Armor: 70 ⇒ 75, scaling to 96 over 8 minutes
- Base Magic Resist: 75, scaling to 96 over 8 minutes
- Tower Power-Up
Trying to catch up with everything about LoL Patch 13.4? Check out our 1-minute summary video!
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ARAM Mastery Tokens in LoL Patch 13.5
Some more great news, and also confirmed news for all of you ARAM players out there! When it comes to game changes, most of them are directed to the most popular game mode and map in League of Legends. We're of course talking about Summoner's Rift and ranked mode.
Good thing is – Riot seems to acknowledge more and more that there is a small but very dedicated ARAM-community. The game modes team has come ahead at the end of last year and has put up some major changes for the casual game mode.
League of Legends Design Lead Jordan Checkman has announced on Twitter that ARAM players will be able to earn Mastery Level 6 and 7 Tokens starting in Patch 13.5! Levelling champions has been possible before that, but you couldn't earn any Tokens when receiving an S or S+ like in the Summoner's Rift game modes.

New League of Legends Champion: Milio Won't Make It In Patch 13.5
The LoL community was stirred up quite a bit when players stumbled upon a cute little easter egg on the Patch 13.4 PBE server. One of the fire pits in the alcove on bot lane was inhabited by a flame that seems very out of the ordinary. It had eyes and happily jumped up and down!
It quickly got connected to the next League of Legends champion that is set to release very soon. We're of course talking about Milio, the male enchanter from Ixtal! But when exactly is Milio supposed to come out?
Since the easter egg was added to the 13.4 build of the LoL PBE server, many assumed that Milio will be arriving with the next rotation. Now, with the benefit of hindsight, we know that Milio will not be released with Patch 13.5.
It seems like Riot is still working on the Ixtal support, which would point to a release in March, maybe with Patch 13.6. Let's hope it's gonna be sooner than later – we can't wait for Milio's arrival!

New LoL Broken Covenant Skins in LoL Patch 13.5
Of course, no League of Legends Patch without a few skins, right? This time around, Riot will introduce us to the brand new Broken Covenant skins. Well, what can we say? They look absolutely amazing and unique! They might not be everyones favorite, but they look extremely well done!
These champions will receive a Broken Covenant skin in LoL Patch 13.5:
- Broken Covenant Xayah
- Broken Covenant Rakan
- Broken Covenant Cho'Gath
- Broken Covenant Vladimir
- Broken Covenant Nocturne
- Broken Covenant Miss Fortune
- Prestige Broken Covenant Miss Fortune
As you can see, Xayah and Rakan will both receive a new skin, hopefully they go well together! Besides that, MF will add another Prestige skin to her collection.
This is everything we know about LoL Patch 13.5 so far, make sure to check back in a few days to find out more about the buffs and nerfs heading our way!
League of Legends Patch 13.5: Release Date
Lol Patch 13.5 will release on Wednesday, March 8. Riot usually releases a new patch every two weeks on either Wednesday or Thursday. According to Riot's official LoL patch schedule, the next patch, 13.6, is scheduled to release on March 22.