Fortnite Is Working On A New "Picture-In-Picture" Feature: Can We Soon Watch TikTok While Gaming?

Fortnite is revolutionizing the gaming experience with a groundbreaking new feature: "Picture-in-Picture". By linking your account to selected platforms, you might be able to watch videos while playing in the future!

Fortnite picture in picture
Could we soon watch TikTok while gaming? | © Epic Games / EarlyGame

Fortnite is working on a new feature called "Picture-in-Picture," allowing you to link your Fortnite account with other platforms. This could soon bring a whole new way of entertainment into play!

Fortnite Introduces "Picture-in-Picture" Feature

As usual, leaks come from our good friend and Fortnite leaker Hypex. According to him, Epic Games is working on a Picture-in-Picture method to watch videos while gaming. Meanwhile, players can like, dislike, pause, skip, and report the videos. This feature also includes an "Advert" widget, which could be intended for ads. One of the platforms that will be connected to Fortnite could be TikTok.

Fortnite's Picture-in-Picture feature offers players the ability to watch videos while playing Fortnite without having to leave the game. By linking your Fortnite account with specific platforms, you can display videos from those platforms within the game.

The introduction of this feature could open up a new dimension of multitasking for Fortnite players who enjoy watching videos while they play. The integration of advertising into the feature could also offer new opportunities for brands to advertise their products or services within the game.It will be interesting to see how players react to this new feature and what impact it will have on the gaming experience and advertising landscape within Fortnite.

Alisa Eiber

Alisa is not only Fortnite Lead at EarlyGame but also streams passionately on Twitch. Here she plays games like Fortnite and Valorant together with her community on a daily basis and therefore always knows what's going on....