Asmongold Will Finally Clean Up Rancid House Because It "Debuffs" Him

For years, Asmongold has captivated Twitch audiences around the world with his gaming prowess, especially in World of Warcraft. But while he reigns on the screen, behind the scenes lies a different reality - that of his chaotic home.

Debuff house
Cozy. | © Steak and Eggs Podcast

Asmongold is a Twitch streamer whose gaming expertise has earned him a loyal following. But beyond his digital domain lies a household in disarray. For years, Asmongold has called his cluttered home his sanctuary, but recent revelations paint a different picture.

Asmongold’s Twitch-tastic Home Makeover: From Moldy Mess to Mastery

Despite his claims that the mess poses no issue, visitors respectfully beg to differ. Earlier this year, Asmongold's father was taken aback by the state of his son's abode. "I couldn't even walk through the living room to get to the bathroom," he said.

During a recent livestream, YouTuber Tectone reported breathing difficulties after staying at Asmongold's residence, a condition that persisted even after departure. Streamer Emiru and former flame Kaise echoed similar health concerns post-visit.

You can take a look inside the multi-millionaires home here:

Asmongold himself points out that viewers can't fathom the true extent of his home's condition. His impending cleanup operation will take weeks to rectify the chaos and health hazards. Asmongold even suspects a deceased critter lurks within his domicile. "I'm 70% sure. It's been there a while. Plus, there's mold and crap everywhere," he confessed.Previous encounters with creepy-crawlies invading his bathroom, leaving his sink half-clogged with black water, have been well-documented. Asmongold's casual approach to showering amidst the infestation exemplifies the severity of the situation.

His House "Debuffs" Him

These experiences have prompted Asmongold to tackle the years-long neglect head-on. Despite his prior indifference and claims of freedom of breathing, a change of heart is evident.Acknowledging feeling "debuffed" by his home's state, Asmongold is resolved to initiate a cleanup crusade. "I feel this inner urge to clean my house. I'm serious. I strongly feel like I'm actually going to clean my house. I will," he declared.With mold adorning bathroom walls and a wide variety of unsavory substances, Asmongold (hopefully) is mentally prepared for the Herculean task ahead. While acknowledging the need for protective gear, he's committed to documenting the transformation and sharing before-and-after snapshots on social media.

Asmongold's journey from streaming savant to domesticator-in-chief serves as a cautionary tale of neglect. As he gears up to battle the chaos within, one can't help but wonder if his newfound zeal will endure or if his home will once again succumb to disorder's embrace.

Johanna Goebel

Johanna is studying Online-Journalism in Cologne and has been travelling the gaming world since she was a toddler. Her heart beats for open-worlds, action or fantasy RPGs and third-person shooters with great storylines and (un)charming characters.
