Minecraft 1.21: What We Can Expect In The New Update

Minecraft 1.21 was announced on October 25, 2023, and will include a bunch of Items that are completely new to the game.

Minecraft 1 21 Vault
Minecraft 1.21: Here is everything that will come in Minecraft 1.21 | © 2024 Mojang

Mojang just announced Minecraft Version 1.21 and what we can expect. Here is everything we know so far about the trial chambers, new blocks and mobs.

Minecraft Java Edition 1.21

The new update will be an absolute dream for cave explorers and adventurers. We have everything that has been announced for you right here.

Release Date

The new update has been available in pre-version for some time now, but on June 13, 2024, it will finally be officially released! You'll be able to fully embrace and explore the new features in both the Java and Bedrock Editions.

New structure

Trial Chambers

Minecraft Trial Chamber
Will the trial chambers be the Mines 2.0? | © 2024 Mojang

Trail Chambers are new structures that are integrated into the world generation. You can find them underground, but be prepared, the combat in the new structures won't be easy. Inside them, you can find trial spawners, vaults, and a variety of other blocks.

Trial Spawner

The trial spawner works similarly to a mob spawner. However, it generates random mobs. Also, its unique feature is that it spawns a larger or smaller number of mobs depending on the number of players. Additionally, mobs appear in waves, and once all waves are defeated, the spawner grants a series of prizes before resetting after 30 minutes. These rewards may include a Trial Key, ender pearls, Potions, and Emeralds.

Ominous Trial

Entering this trail is a bit more challenging because it cannot be simply stumbled upon. First, you'll need an ominous bottle. You can either find this from raid captains or in vaults. Once you drink the bottle, you have two options: either you head to a village and trigger a raid, acquiring the Bad Omen effect, or you make your way to a trial chamber and gain the Trials Omen effect. In the trial chamber, you can then trigger the ominous trial. But be warned, the monsters will be even stronger than in a normal trial chamber.The challenge ends just like with the normal trial. However, by completing it, you also receive the exceptional ominous trial key, with which you can open ominous vaults. And believe me, the loot inside will be epic!

New Blocks

The Vault

Minecraft 1 21 the vault
The new block looks amazing! | © 2024 Mojang

The vault is exclusively found within trial chambers and cannot be crafted. Unlike chests that you loot once, and then they are empty, you receive new items every time. However, to open them, you'll need a Trial Key. Once unlocked, the vault yields enchanted books, diamond armor, saddles, emeralds, and diamonds.

New Copper Block Variants

With the new update, since the Trial Chambers are made of copper, we also receive new copper block variants. These include chiseled copper, copper trapdoors, copper bulbs, and copper doors.

The Crafter

Now comes my absolute favorite: the Crafter. This block simplifies item crafting. It is powered by Redstone and works in conjunction with the Hopper and Dropper to automatically craft items. With it, you no longer need to manually place individual resources in the correct slots for crafting items. And the best part: building an automated farm will be much easier. Loads of seaweed, here I come!

New Mobs

Wolf Variants

Minecraft Wolfs variety
Which one is your favorite? | © 2024 Mojang

Finally, we'll have nine new types of wolves, not just the cute white ones. Each of these is tied to a specific location and can only be found in that particular biome.

  • Rusty Wolf - jungle biome
  • Regular Wolf/Pale Wolf - taiga biome
  • Black Wolf - old growth pine taiga biome
  • Striped Wolf - wooded badlands biome
  • Snowy Wolf - snowy grove biome
  • Ashen Wolf - snowy taiga biome
  • Woods Wolf - forest biome
  • Spotted Wolf - savanna biome
  • Chestnut Wolf - old growth spruce taiga biome

Additionally, there will also be Wolf Armor. It can be crafted with scutes from Armadillos and effectively deflects enemy attacks. If the armor is almost broken, you can repair it anytime with Armadillo scutes. And to add a bit of style to your Wolf Armor, you can dye any color you like.


The Armadillo was the winner of the Minecraft mob vote 2023. We will find this passive mob in badlands and savanna biomes.

To protect themselves from danger, they curl up and roll around the area. They drop scutes, and you can also brush the cute little animals.

The Breeze

Where there's a new structure, there's also a new monster.

Minecraft Breeze
Now we have to fight... a breeze? | © 2024 Mojang

The breeze can be found in the Trial Chambers and is essentially the opposite of the Blaze mob, which resides in the Nether. It's an airborne enemy that fires explosive wind charges at you, dealing significant damage. So, get ready to practice your dodging skills! When you manage to defeat the breeze, it drops a wind charge, which can be used as a powerful projectile of air, launching enemies into the air. Sounds fun, right?

The Bogged

The Bogged Mob is essentially a skeleton adorned with moss. However, Boggeds wield grip arrows to shoot at you. So, you shouldn't underestimate them! They reside in trial chambers, swamps, and mangrove swamps.

Minecraft 1 21 Bogged
As if regular skeletons weren't annoying enough already. | © 2024 Mojang

New Items

The mace

The new stone mace may seem unremarkable and dull at first glance, but with the introduction of new mobs and consequently new possibilities, it provides players with entirely new avenues.

Crafted with a breeze rod and a heavy core, the breeze rod, as you might have guessed, is obtained from the new mob. The heavy core, however, is a bit trickier to acquire as it can only be found in ominous vaults.

What sets it apart is that the longer you fall, the stronger the mace's smash becomes. Additionally, it has gained three new enchantments: the Density enchantment, the Breach enchantment, and the Wind Charge enchantment. Without giving away too much, in summary:

  • Density amplifies your fall even further
  • Breach pierces through the armor of hostile mobs
  • Wind Charge gives you a powerful upward boost after a well-placed strike

New Paintings

Minecraft Paintings
Finally, there are new images! | © 2024 Mojang

New structures, new monsters, new weapons — all well and good, but what's better than new paintings?! Minecraft will have a total of 20 new paintings. For some background information: 5 were created by Game Artist Sarah Boeving (including the 2 shown in the image), and the rest by the well-known Minecraft artist Kristoffer Zetterstrand, the genius behind the masterpieces "Skull on Fire" and "Pigscene."

These are all the features that Mojang will include with the new update. Are you also excited to explore the new structures in detail together with your pack of dogs?

Freya Engel

Freya practically grew up with video games. She loves the community aspect of gaming and doesn't easily give up, even when a level seems impossible. Her favorite games include League of Legends, Animal Crossing, and The Sims 4....