Rainbow Six Siege: Top 5 Attackers For Teams In Year 9, Season 1
Attacking in Rainbow 6 Siege can be very challenging. Coordinated defense strategies are often easier to execute than attack strategies, but nothing is impossible. Here are the top 5 Operators to pick for tactical attacks, as a team in Rainbow 6 Siege!
Note: You don't have to pick just those 5 Operators; choose one of them and build your own strat around them.

5. Grim
Okay, this one is a bit controversial. Some people find him useless, while others swear by him. However, the Six Invitational 2024 has shown us that he's one of the best operators in the game, so he definitely deserves to be on this list!
Grim has five Kawan drones, which can be used to ping enemies. These projectiles release bees in the area where you shoot them, pinging every operator that comes in contact with them for four seconds. This makes it nearly impossible for defenders to pass through without facing certain death. However, this strategy only works effectively with a coordinated team. In solo play or with an uncoordinated team, defenders may simply wait until the bees disappear, making the utility useless.
So, for a well-coordinated push and plant scenario, Grim is an excellent operator. He's commonly used in higher ranks and in the pro league for his ability to control the map effectively. However, in lower ranks where the focus is often on getting kills to win rounds, Grim may not be as useful. His role is primarily focused on map control, which may not align with the priorities of lower-ranked players. Nevertheless, he's still one of the best operators in the game!
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4. Montagne
Monti is a must-have on this list, especially after the significant Shield-Rework. Gone are the days when he was just a giant, indestructible drone. Now, he's invaluable for hunting down roamers, clearing sites, planting almost bulletproof, and gathering intel for your team without risking his own life.
What low elo players often misunderstand is that Monti is a challenging Operator. He's definitely not the one you choose when things aren't going well, and you're having a bad day with your aim. Monti requires a lot of communication, map knowledge, and skill to reach his full potential. But when he does, the defense will have a hard time, that's for sure! And no, he's not just the guy who does the smoke plant.
If you plan on maining this Operator, ask yourself if your team is capable, because not only do you have to understand Monti, but the whole team has to grasp his mechanics to unleash his full potential.
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3. Thermite
"Really big hole coming right up" sometimes is all you want to hear during a ranked match, and that's why Thermite is inevitable for this list.
In a well-coordinated team, Thermite is the go-to hard breacher in today's Rainbow 6 Siege. In times when Tubarao, Kaid, and other counters are present, he's the optimal choice because his breach is significantly large, allowing your teammates to maneuver effectively around the breach point and execute a solid push. Plus, his breach time is the shortest among all hard breachers, making it very challenging for defenders to counter him in time.
Thermite is straightforward and efficient as an Operator, both in team play and overall. He's very beginner-friendly, but in higher ranks, there's a greater focus on teamwork, as he'll often get countered. That's where true Thermite mains shine, as nothing will stop them from making "the big hole."
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2. Thatcher
This probably the most banned Operator in ranked, and for good reason; He counters almost everything.
There's not much to say about an operator, that disables almost every defender gadget in the game for about 10 seconds. If you have a five stack team and want to start a push, a well thrown EMP Grenade will make that push a lot easier. You also don't have to worry about Echo Drones or Maestro Cams during a plant (but watch for the C4s!).
Just like Thermite, Thatcher is an easy and beginner-friendly operator. Hence, they're both well-known for being the perfect duo for pushing a breach. Remember, your EMPs are not just for breaching walls; you can use them in many ways, so get creative!
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1. Dokkaebi
This K-Pop Dancer has an immense amount to offer for her Team in Rainbow 6 Siege, and here's why;
Dokkaebi can make two calls, and each one leads to every defender making a loud sound for over ten seconds, making it easy for you and your friends to locate the enemies (especially roamers). During this call, defenders are not able to access their cams (even the dead ones in spectator mode), which makes it a good opportunity to make a push.
She also has a solid DMR with no recoil, which we should use instead of her SMG, which is impossible to control.
Mute is her only counter, but that's only relevant when defenders are standing next to a Mute Jammer. In most scenarios, this is irrelevant because her calls are meant to help hunt down roamers. She has a passive skill that hacks into all defender cameras, including Evil Eyes and Echo drones, after killing a defender and hacking their phone on the spot. So not only can she hunt down roamers very effectively, but afterward, you get rewarded by accessing every defender cam, which is ridiculously OP.
She is clearly the most broken Operator in the game if played well and with a good team. Defenders can't do much about her except run away, which is why she always gets banned, but she definitely deserves first place in this ranking.
Pro Tip: Combined with IQ's scanner during the phone calls, IQ has literal wallhacks and can wallbang defending operators.
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