LoL Patch 14.5 Hotfix Tackles Two Annoying Champion Bugs

LoL Patch 14.5 just released and Riot already had to add in a hotfix after some annoying bugs were shipped.

Pool Party Rek'Sai
LoL Patch 14.5: A hotfix has been shipped. | © Riot Games

Sometimes, no matter how much testing goes into a game or a patch, there are mistakes which get shipped to live servers. This happens in League of Legends as well – are we even surprised with the spaghetti code this game runs on?

This time around two junglers are the problem, but Riot quickly noticed the bugs and issues and have already shipped a hotfix to fix the problems with both Rek'Sai and Lillia. Now players can enjoy their mains without having to worry about issues.


LoL Patch 14.5 Hotfix Shipped Right After Patch Went Live

Lillia is getting bug fixed! | © Riot Games

Not even a whole day passed before Riot released a statement that they were going to ship a hotfix for two specific jungle champions. Both Rek'Sai and Lillia went to live servers with some problems in their kits, and thankfully they were found quickly.

Rek'Sai had a problem when she unburrowed. There were instances when the ability didn't knock up enemies, which is a pretty disruptive bug and can ruin an attempted gank, which is why it was important for Riot to fix right away.

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Lillia also got shipped with a bug that didn't let her E – Swirlseed not to deal AoE damage. Her E, the bowling ball, deals AoE damage in a cone when it hits an enemy. Unfortunately, the Area of Effect damage did not seem to work properly, which meant Riot had to quickly make some adjustments and fix the issue.

The micro-patch with the fixes for these problems was shipped on March 7, 2024 a day after the initial patch went live, which means that players can pick these champions once more without any issue. Rek'Sai had received multiple changes this patch once more after her Patch 14.4 "mini rework" did not end up being beneficial to her. So it'll be interesting to see how she does now that all her abilities work again as intended.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....