League of Legends Patch 14.14 Preview: Aurora, Swarm & Balance Changes

LoL Patch 14.14 is set to introduce an array of buffs, nerfs, and adjustments to Summoner's Rift. Let's delve into the patch notes to get you ready for the evolving meta in League of Legends.

Battle Dove Seraphine
LoL Patch 14.14: Riot is bringing in a new game mode. | © Riot Games

LoL Patch 14.14 is going to release in a bit. The wait for this patch is going to be longer than usual, since the previous patch, 14.13, is going to be a 3-week patch, since Riot is going on summer vacation for a week soon. This happens every year to give the devs some time off in the middle of the year.

But when they return and when this patch goes live, you can expect some big changes and adjustments to the meta, with a brand-new PvE game mode also added, something that hasn't happened in years.


LoL Patch 14.14: New Champion Aurora Released

Not only is Riot going to be bringing in a new PvE mode, but a brand-new mid lane champion is also going to be added to the game. Aurora is a Freljordian Vastaya who has inspired many previous champions. So, after 7-years of development, what can her kit even do?

Aurora's Abilities

Aurora is the newest League of Legends champion! | © Riot Games

Passive – Spirit Abjuration

  • If Aurora damages an enemy 3 times with her spells and attacks, she will deal magic damage, exorcise a spirit from the enemy, and enter Spirit Mode for a few seconds.
  • Aurora gains movement speed while in Spirit Mode.
  • Spirits following Aurora grant her additional movement speed and heal her over the duration.

Q – Twofold Hex

This ability works like Xayah's feathers. If enemies get hit with her Q they'll be cursed. Aurora is able to recast the Q to "pull it back" which can once again deal damage to champions who have already been hit by it before. So, players should aim to hit enemies with Q and the pullback as often as possible for max damage.

  • Cast: Fire a blast of cursed energy in a direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and marking them with spirit energy.
  • Recast: End the curse, drawing back the spirit energy to herself, dealing magic damage to enemies passed through. Damage is increased by missing HP.

W – Across the Veil

This is Aurora's base splash. | © Riot Games
  • Hop in a direction. Upon landing, enter the spirit realm, briefly becoming Invisible and entering Spirit Mode for several seconds.
  • Takedowns on enemy champions reset the cooldown of this ability.

This is her main outplay move, letting players get creative to dodge enemies and set up for massive damage. It's super handy for finding the perfect angle for her Q2 pull-back.

E – The Weirding

  • Cast: Send out a blast of spirit magic, dealing magic damage in an area and slowing them.
  • Aurora will hop backwards slightly on cast.


R – Between Worlds

  • Cast: Hop forward and, upon landing, send out a pulse of spirit energy that deals magic damage and slows enemies.
  • Aurora leaps in a direction of her choosing, releasing a shockwave that damages and slows any enemies it hits. Afterward, she creates an area that traps enemies within it and allows Aurora to teleport from one side of the area to the other.
  • Recast: Dismiss the zone early

New Game Mode: Swarm

Swarm looks amazing. | © Riot Games

Not only are we getting the big summer event in this League of Legends patch, but Riot is also going to be releasing a fun new PvE bullet hell game mode. This game mode will feature a couple of playable champions and will be changing how you see League of Legends forever, with some fun new ways to experience the game.


Players can choose to tackle this challenge solo, or stick with some friends. Up to 4 players can play together to try and beat various hordes of monsters, as well as some boss fights against Rek'Sai and Aatrox which should be quite difficult to master, but extremely fun. Oh, and Riot have warned everyone not to worry about dying, since they expect you to die at first.

Skins In LoL Patch 14.14: First Batch Of Anima Squad Skins

Primordian Rek'Sai
Rek'Sai is made for this skin line. | © Riot Games

Riot is going to be releasing some of the Anima Squad skins for LoL Patch 14.14. The first batch of skins should include the Yuumi prestige, as well as Seraphine's legendary skin. The other prestige and legendary (Leona and Aatrox) should release two weeks late in LoL Patch 14.15.

  • Battle Dove Seraphine
  • Cyber Cat Yuumi
  • Prestige Cyber Cat Yuumi
  • Battle Bat Xayah
  • Battle Bunny Aurora
  • Primordian Bel'Veth
  • Primordian Rek'Sai

LoL Patch 14.14 is going to be released on July 17, 2024, and will feature the new swarm game mode, as well as Aurora who is making her debut on Summoner's Rift as well.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....