The Silver Surfer Has Been Cast As A Woman For The First Time In Fantastic Four Reboot, Fans Couldn't Be More Excited

The Silver Surfer is making a return to the big screen in the 2025 Fantastic Four movie. Who have they chosen to play this iconic character in the MCU debut?

Silver Surfer MCU
The Silver Surfer has arrived in the MCU. | © Marvel

The Fantastic Four are joining the MCU and long with them the Silver Surfer. Recently, the main cast of The Fantastic Four movies were revealed, but now, the person playing the Silver Surfer has also made its rounds, exciting the fan base.

The last time we got to see the Silver Surfer on the big screen was back in 2007, so it's about time we give this Marvel character another chance, eh?

Fantastic Four Silver Surfer Casting Revealed

Inventing anna
Julia Garner is known for her role in Inventing Anna. | © Netflix

The upcoming iteration of the Silver Surfer is going to be none other than Julia Garner, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Garner is known for her role in the Netflix series Ozark, as well as her portrayal of real-life con artist Anna Delvey in Inventing Anna.

She will be taking the stage as the Silver Surfer, who had been initially introduced in the comics in Fantastic Four No. 48, but has since become a staple in the franchise.

While The Silver Surfer was initially male in the comics, Disney has changed the character to female, which could anger some hardcore Marvel fans. It is also a likely reason why Disney took their time to announce Garner as the Silver Surfer, giving fans some time to mull over the main cast of The Fantastic Four first.

After losing so many subscribers recently, we're hoping this new film is enough to turn the tide for Disney. We can only wait and see.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....