Apex Legends: Unshielded Deadeye TDM Rules & Release

The upcoming Apex Legends event “Veiled Collection” contains many cool looking cosmetics, but even more excitingly is the new and challenging game mode: Unshielded Deadeye. Be prepared to let your guards down in the most literal way possible.

Apex Legends Unshielded Deadeye
The new Apex Legends LTM is going to be called Unshielded Deadeye. | © EA

New game modes in Apex Legends are always a reason to be hyped, and this one looks quite challenging, even for skilled players. Hopefully, your movement is good enough to make up for the lack of protection in Unshielded Deadeye.

  • If you need extra help competing in the Unshielded Deadeye LTM, consider getting an advanced controller.

Apex Legends Unshielded Deadeye Release Date

Thankfully, we don't have to wait too long for new gameplay, since the event will start on Tuesday, April 25, at 10:00 AM PT (1:00 PM ET / 6 PM BST / 7 PM CEST). So hop on the game and try out the limited-time mode “TDM Unshielded Deadeye” very soon. Show your opponents that you don't have to hide behind your armor after all. The event lasts for 14 days and ends on May 9.


How Does The New LTM Unshielded Deadeye Work?

The goal in TDM Unshielded Deadeye is to kill as many enemies as possible, obviously – I know. But here is the problem: you won't find any helmets or shields to protect yourself from possible harm, whatsoever. And before you get your hopes up too high, Care packages are also disabled in this mode. The first team to achieve 50 kills will be the champion.

Take a quick look at the game mode in the official event trailer:

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Seems pretty intense, right?!

And just to make it a little more intense, you can't even choose your favorite weapons. Players will be randomly assigned a limited, rotational loadout in each match to prove their versatility. Just like in the Battle Royale game mode, you can't always guarantee which weapons you'll have at your disposal, so this can be a good exercise to get used to new scenarios as well.


The randomly assigned weapon sets contain either:

  • Wingman and 30-30 Repeater
  • Hemlok and G7 Scout
  • Kraber and Sentinel

A pretty mixed selection they have in store for us, definitely one better than the other I would say.

Let's hope you are already very familiar with one of these loadouts! If not, you will probably learn a lot about new weapons while playing TDM Unshielded Deadeye.

If you're a beginner to Apex, check out this guide for one of our favorite beginner-friendly Legends, Bloodhound:

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Celine Jaeckel

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