Apex Legends Warriors Collection Event: New Map & Return Of Control!

A new event has been announced for Apex Legends, and it's chock-full of content, from maps to Heirlooms, and everything in between! Here's what you need to know about the Warriors Collection Event.

Drop Off
It looks like it will be similar to Overflow in design. | © EA

Apex Legends is getting a mid-season event to keep us satisfied with new content until the release of Season 13 in mid-May. This is the Warriors Collection Event, and in this article, we'll go over the release date and all the new content.

To break it down, here's what we're getting with the Warrior Collection Event:

  • A new Arena map
  • The return of Control mode
  • A new Heirloom
  • New skins

But we'll go through each of these in greater depth below.


When Is The Warriors Collection Event Release Date?

The Warrior Collection Event is going to begin on Tuesday, March 29, at 10:00 PT (13:00 ET / 18:00 GMT / 19:00 CET). It will run for exactly two weeks, and will end on Tuesday, April 12 at 10:00 PT (13:00 ET / 18:00 GMT / 19:00 CET). Over the course of the two weeks, they will release daily challenges that ask you to do something related to the event in exchange for "event points". These event points can be exchanged for limited-time cosmetics, but all the new cosmetics will also be available to buy directly at the store.


New Arena Map: Drop-Off

We've actually seen Drop-Off already thanks to the recent map leaks, but now we can actually show you high-res pictures. Drop-Off is the new Arena map being released as part of the Warriors Collection Event. You can see the new map beneath:

One of several new maps recently leaked. | © EA

It looks like we're getting a wide central lane of play, but with lots of additional cover and a couple of long routes to hit. This is probably going to be more of a Hemlock map than an R-99 affair.

Return Of Control Mode

Control Mode will return to Apex in the Warriors Collection Event, and if you haven't played the game mode before, it's basically Domination. In Apex Legends, it's played as a 9vs9 mode, and you don't play on Arena Maps, you play on locked off parts of the Battle Royale maps. During the Warriors Collection Event, Control will be played on the Caustic Treatment area of King's Canyon.

Let's hope they release Capture the Flag soon, though, it has more potential than Control for a game with such great movement mechanics.


New Heirloom: Crypto's Biwon Blade

It's not the new Valkyrie Heirloom we saw in the leaks recently, the new Heirloom is for Cyrpto, and it's called Biwon Blade. We can expect it to cost 150 Heirloom Shards, like very other Heirloom or Prestige Skin. Here's what it looks like in-game:

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But you don't have to buy this Heirloom, this is the best part, you can complete all 24 event challenges during the Warriors Collection Event to earn Biwon Blade for free. It's a shame it's an Heirloom for one of the least popular Legends though...


New Skins

We're getting a ton of new cosmetics during the Warriors Collection Event, but here are the big ones, the Legendary skins:

  • “Synthetic Huntress” Ash Skin
  • “Riding Dirty” Octane Skin
  • “Jewel Olympus” Horizon Skin
  • “Combat Survivalist” Lifeline Skin

You can see the skins in-game here:

[embed id=76569]

All good-looking skins, sure, but not quite as exciting as the skins planned for Season 13. Still, the Warrior Collection Event looks like a good way to break up the mid-season, well done Respawn. Now, if only we could get more permanent Arena modes and the removal of Storm Point from the map rotation...

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....