Worst to Best - Valorant Agent Ranking: #10 Raze

Raze Banner
Sorry Raze, it's #10 for you (Image credit: Valorant)

In this daily series, we rank all Valorant agents from worst to best. Today it's #10 - Raze.

Oh, yes. We can feel the rage. The utter and complete outrage. How can we rank Raze at #10? Don’t we know she’s OP? Don’t we know that every dictionary ever officially changed their definition of overpowered to now simply state: Raze.

We know. We saw. We hear you too. Also… we disagree.

Raze grenade
They’re grenades, but with paint. Can’t be that bad, right? (Image credit: Valorant)

Raze is not OP. She isn’t. We disagree with the entirety of the internet and side with shroud. Yes, her abilities are very kill-oriented: Her boom bot follows you around and tries to make you go… ‘boom’. Her blast pack gives her mobility that is only second to Jett and her paint shells can easily secure a kill here or there. And her ultimate, showstopper… yes, it’s a bazooka. Yes, it’s a rocket that can wipe the whole enemy team and, yes, this is happening in a tactical shooter.

True. All of this is true. But here’s the thing: All her abilities are incredibly, incredibly telegraphed. Her boom bot is slow and noisy, her paint shells are accompanied by a clear sound effect, and she literally screams out “fire in the hole!” in a very distinct accent before she fires her bazooka. If you’re huddled up and get team-wiped by that. Sorry… we blame you and you should blame yourself too. All Raze is good for is disrupting and forcing enemies to move and react to her abilities, because, yes, she can easily blow you up without much need for aiming if you don’t.

On the flip side, Raze provides absolutely no utility at all. In a game such as Valorant that runs on information, that is a big, massive flaw. Riot themselves have mentioned that they were worried Raze would see no play due to her utter lack of team utility.


Yes, Raze is a noobstomper and can seem OP, quite possibly being the easiest character for a new player to play. She is however easily outplayed and baited by people who know her toolkit. As people become more accustomed to her, she’ll be of little use. That’s why we went with the controversial choice of ranking her this low.

Deal with it or cool off by browsing for more Valorant.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....