Battlefield 2042 | Best GVT 45-70 Loadout Attachments & Setup

Battlefield 2042 has finally launched. Now it's time to get into the details: what are the best weapons and what attachment setups do you want? Here's the best loadout for the GVT 45-70.

The most comprehensive GVT 45-70 loadout guide available | © EA

It's always fun when they put a ridiculous underlever in a modern military shooter. Fans of the wild west rejoice. But in fairness to the Marlin 30-30, sorry we mean the GVT 45-70 (they didn't want to pay the weapons manufacturers for the licenses this year), it can stack up pretty effectively against other weapons in the game. So if you just want to saddle up and throw lead, let's get into the perfect attachment setup for this weapon!

To see how well the GVT 45-70 places against other weapons, just check out our complete tier rating of every weapon in Battlefield.


Best Battlefield 2042 GVT 45-70 Loadout

Best Attachments for the GVT 45-70

The GVT has great versatility so all three of the builds beneath will be able to do good work for you. And thanks to the new attachment system you can swap between these builds mid-game.

Best SetupBest Short-Range SetupBest Long-Range Setup
SightMaul Hybrid

K8 Holo

Raven 4X
AmmunitionHigh PowerStandard IssueHigh-Power

Factory Mounts

BCG Light GripFactory Mounts
BarrelTactical CompensatorWrapped SuppressorTactical Compensator

The GVT has some seriously impressive range so you might find yourself camping out and using the long-range setup above more frequently than the other two. But don't be deceived, although the fire rate is poor, this is a fairly capable weapon in close-range, and with the BCG Light Grip and Wrapped Suppressor you can turn it into a pretty handy tool for flanking. Our one word of warning, this weapon doesn't have higher capacity mags, and the starting ammo capacity is poor (6), so remember that when you enter firefights.

You can see the effects of these three attachment setups beneath.


Attachment Effects on the GVT 45-70

DefaultBest SetupBest Short-Range SetupBest Long-Range Setup



75 (0)65 (-10)75 (0)


73 (+5)68 (0)73 (+5)


68 (+1)64 (-3)70 (+3)



36 (-3)44 (+5)34 (-5)

As you'll notice from the stats this is really a marksman rifle in the wrong category; these stats are very, very close to the SVK. With range, accuracy, and firepower over 70 we can therefore strongly recommend using the long-range build with the 4X as more of a sniper in fact. But unlike snipers, you never have to sink your handling too far, which makes this weapon surprisingly versatile.

We imagine this weapon won't get a huge amount of play but it'll have fans that absolutely swear by it. We certainly had a lot of fun testing it.

Best Specialist, Secondary Weapon, Throwable & Gadget for the GVT 45-70

Specialist: Ji-Soo Paik

Who doesn't love Paik? Her wallhacks are fantastic for a GVT user because this weapon can work like a shotgun upclose, so you can go super aggressive if you want to push buildings and flanking routes.


Secondary Weapon: MP28

We were tempted to put the M44 so it would be a full cowboy loadout, but the MP28 is objectively better and at the end of the day we're here for full optimized builds. Crucially, it's going to save you when you run out of the admittedly short ammo supply for your GVT.

Throwable: Incendiary

Incendiary grenades couple beautifully with Ji-Soo Paik, because the identification of enemy locations can allow you to set up fantastic area denials. Throw the short-range GVT build attachments on and you're going to be a force to mess with in CQC.


Gadget: C5 Explosives

We're leaning into area denial here, and the C5 is going to be fantastic at exactly that. Just lay that puppy down in the direction of approaching targets, wall off any flanking routes with incendiary grenades, and kaboom!

Well, there you have it, folks, the complete rundown of how to build the best attachment setup and loadout for the GVT 45-70.

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....