The Best Warzone 2 M4 Setup | A Solid Mid-Range AR

Here is the best M4 setup and loadout for Warzone 2. We've also included attachment tunings, and our suggestion of perks

The best M4 Loadout | © EalyGame

The M4 had a buff going into Season 2, and it's now pretty strong at mid-range. It's still too bouncy for long-range, so avoid using it in Al Mazrah, but for Resurgence it's perfect.

You can find our current favorite M4 build below. We've built this M4 to have a little extra recoil control, but without sacrificing too much mobility.


Warzone 2: M4 Setup

Warzone 2 season 2 m4 loadout
Warzone 2: Here is our favorite M4 build. | © Activision / EarlyGame


MuzzleFTAC Castle CompRecoil Stabilization (+0.80 oz) / Gun Kick Control (+0.35 in)

Hightower 20" Barrel

Recoil Steadiness (+0.50lb) / Damage Range (+0.30 in)

StockTempus P80 Strike StockAim Down Sight Speed (-4.00 oz) / Aiming Idle Stability (+2.30 in)
Rear Grip

Sakin ZX Grip

Recoil Steadiness (+1.00 oz) / Sprint To Fire Speed (-0.45 in)
Magazine45 Round MagDefault

These attachments give us a really efficient tradeoff between increased recoil control and slightly decreased handling speeds. So yes, we will be a little slower than using a base version of the gun, but we will have gained enough recoil control to use the M4 effectively out to 40/50 m.

The magazine needs to be increased from 30, but we went with 45 over 60, so we could keep the weapon a little faster. We also went for no optic because the iron sights are nice on the M4, but if you feel you want an optic, drop the Rear Grip first.


CoD Warzone 2 M4 Loadout: Secondary, Perks & Equipment

Secondary: Lachmann Sub

Lachmann Sub
This is the short-range meta right now. | © Activision / EarlyGame

For a secondary, we chose the Lachmann sub in this loadout. This is just an incredible SMG right now, and it's fairly easy to use. In fact, the Lachmann sub is only really challenged by the Vaznev in terms of short-range TTK.

Perks (Base, Bonus & Ultimate)

In Warzone 2.0 we no longer have to choose Perk Packages, we can just pick our own perks again. Here is our current favorite selection:

Base Perk

Overkill, Bomb Squad

Bonus PerkResupply
Ultimate Perk

High Alert

High Alert is probably the most consistently useful ultimate perk, especially now Birdseye has been removed. And Resupply might be the best bonus perk, although you have to remember to use your Tacticals constantly. And for our base perks, we need Overkill for the two primary weapons, and Bomb Squad is never a bad second option.


Equipment (Lethal & Tacticals)


Stun Grenades

Semtex is a good grenade for any situation. You can go for vehicles or infantry, or even use it to get the finish. And for a Tactical, it's hard to beat stuns. Just great fun to use when challing someone.

So that's our recommendation for a good Warzone 2 M4 loadout. If you prefer something a little more controllable, try out the Hemlock.

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....

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