Modern Warfare II Returning To Steam

Artwork of Modern Warfare II has been spotted on Steam, which suggests that the franchises will return to this third-party store with the upcoming title. Here's what we know so far.

Modern Warfare 2 Steam
Finally back to a reliable client! | © Activision

Modern Warfare II will be the next Call of Duty game, and an official trailer should be released soon. But whether Activision give us info through official channels or not, we're going to know a ton about MWII by then anyway thanks to all the leaks. The latest leak is particularly interesting as it suggests the Call of Duty franchise will be moving back to Steam, something we never expected to see again. And now it seems like we got the official confirmation as well...


Modern Warfare II Available On Steam?

Recently Modern Warfare II's released artwork has appeared in Steam as a generic banner for the Call of Duty section. The Call of Duty section obviously still exists on Steam because all the older CoD games were available on the platform, but since Modern Warfare's release (2019) the game's have only been accessible via the client for PC users.

The leaked art from Steam looked like this, courtesy of u/Kalinine:

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Until now, however, this was only a leak and we didn't have an official confirmation yet. But now that the Steam Twitter account has posted this, it should be clear that Modern Warfare II will finally be available via Steam again:

[embed id=122509]

The fact that MWII is returning to Steam is a W for every gamer, because unlike the client, Activision has less control over the price of games on Steam. This means that cheap codes are easier to come by and we will get regular sales!


We suspect that Call of Duty will be available on both Steam and in the future, and each player is free to choose their own preferred client, but as mentioned earlier, we also expect there to be good deals on Steam significantly more often...

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....