Warzone 2.0 Trailer Teases 5-Man Squads

In the recently released promo material for Warzone 2.0 you can see five operators deploying as a group on to the new map, Al Mazrah. We've only had a maximum of four-man squads in Warzone so far, but the changes they're making to the mode should make bigger teams more viable.

Warzone 2 - 5-man squads
5-Man squads in Warzone, what should we call that? Quints? | © Activision

Warzone 2 is going to revolutionize CoD's BR. We're getting a new map set in the Middle East called Al Mazrah, there's going to multiple circles opening up during the match, and they're even abandoning loadouts! But those are just the highlights, there are tons of smaller additions as well, and as the trailer implies, we're even getting 5-man squads.

This is just one of the many new features coming to Warzone 2. If you're looking for a complete overview of the mode then you can find what you need here:

Right, let's get to the news about increased squad sizes.


5-Man Squad Shown In Warzone 2 Trailer

In one scene from the new Warzone 2.0 trailer we can see five operators skydiving on to the map together. We highly doubt that this is a "mistake" because this trailer is one of the most significant pieces of marketing material that CoD will produce all year. And sure, they make a lot of mistakes (like when they showed the same trailer twice in a row during Call of Duty Next), but they would have gone over every shot in this particular trailer a million times.

Here's the specific scene we're talking about:

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We don't expect this to be the "standard" way to play Warzone, don't worry, but we think it will feature in either limited-time-modes or special events. We welcome the change, as it's always good to offer more variety, but we're still fairly certain the map will be designed with trios/quads in mind as the default squad-size.


What do you think about 5-man squads? Would you welcome the change, or does it sound as problematic as the new 2v2 Gulag?

The new movement mechanics, and especially the new vehicle mechanics, should accommodate for bigger squads, but we go over all those changes in this video:

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....