Warzone Tempus Razorback Loadout & Unlock Guide | A Jack-Of-All-Trades Assault Rifle

A new assault rifle is coming to Warzone 2 and MW2 in Season 4: the Tempus Razorback. Here is how to unlock the Tempus Razorback and the best loadout for the weapon.

Warzone Tempus Razorback: How To Unlock | A Jack-Of-All-Trades Assault Rifle
Warzone Tempus Razorback: How To Unlock | A Jack-Of-All-Trades Assault Rifle

The Tempus Razorback is the new assault rifle from Season 4 of MW2 and Warzone 2. It's a very well-balanced AR, and we strongly suspect it will be the meta for a while.

You can find out how to unlock the Tempus Razorback below. We've also provided the best loadout.


Warzone 2.0 & Modern Warfare 2: How To Unlock The Tempus Razorback

You get the Tempus Razorback as a reward for completing Battle Pass Sector D13 of the Season 4 Battle Pass. This will require 15 Battle Pass Tiers to unlock. You could buy the BlackCell version of the Battle Pass, which gives you 25 Battle Pass Tiers to spend immediately, but this option will cost more. If you just grind the Battle Pass normally, then it will take you about four or five hours of play to unlock.

The Best Attachment Setup For The Tempus Razorback In Warzone 2

Tempus Razorback Season 4
The best Tempus Razorback loadout for Warzone. | © Activision


MuzzleFJX Fulcrum Pro Recoil Stabilization ​​(+0.80 oz) / Recoil Control​ ​​(+0.35 in)


FF OLE-V Laser Sprint To Fire Speed ​​(-0.45 oz) / Aim Down Sight ​​(-51.00 ft)

LTX Eclipse

Recoil Stabilization ​​(+0.35 oz) / Aim Down Sight ​ ​​(+0.18 in)
Rear GripERG-X1Recoil Steadiness ​​(+1.00 oz) / Default

60 Round Mag


The Tempus Razorback needs extended mags for Warzone, as all ARs do. But besides this it really doesn't need much to feel great. The recoil goes almost straight up with very little horizontal travel, and so you can counter the recoil really effectively with this specific muzzle device. The rear grip and comb are really just bonuses to slightly improve the recoil.


The Best Loadout For The Tempus Razorback: Secondary, Perks & Equipment

Secondary: ISO 45

Warzone ISO 45
This is the best Warzone ISO 45 Loadout. | © Activision Blizzard

The ISO 45 won't be for everyone because it has really bad recoil. However, the damage is fantastic for an SMG and both the handling and mobility are solid as well.

Perks (Base, Bonus & Ultimate)

Thank god we can pick perks again:

Base Perk

Bomb Squad, Overkill

Bonus PerkFast Hands
Ultimate Perk


Bomb Squad allows us to eat a few more nades. Overkill is necessary to take the Razorback and MP5 in one loadout. Fast Hands will allow us to swap between the two weapons more quickly. And in the Ultimate Perk slot, we really like Ghost right now, especially for Ranked.


Equipment (Lethal & Tactical)

For our equipment choice we're going a fairly standard:





Semtex are great grenades, whether you're fighting infantry or vehicles, and smokes are an absolute life-saver for surviving on the open plains of Al Mazrah.

If you try the Razorback and it isn't for you, maybe check out something a little heavier like a battle rifle?

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....