The Reviews Are Here: Black Adam Is Amazing

Black Adam is getting its first reviews, and the opinion is unanimous: Black Adam is amazing.

Black Adam Reviews
I'm not the only one man-crushing here, right? | © Black Adam

Let's be honest here: The DCEU never held a candle to the MCU. In fact, nothing even close to a candle. While the MCU changed cinema forever, the DCEU changed with every other release. Now, it seems the tides might be turning: The latest Marvel offerings weren't exactly all that, and to make things worse, a lot of their movies are to be delayed, which certainly spells trouble. Meanwhile. Black Adam has released to rave reviews, and might really be the soft-reboot the DCEU needed.


Black Adam Launched to Amazing Reviews

The DCEU needed a win: The Flash is absolute chaos, thanks to Ezra Miller, and the next Aquaman movie is in absolute chaos, thanks to... I don't know, it just is. The Rock's turn as Black Adam has - no pun intended - become a rock the DCEU needs, and it seems the movie has delivered.

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I mean... it doesn't get clearer than that, right? We have a hit on our hands, folks, and as a certified The Rock die-hard, I am rock-hard right now. Pun intended, again, but also...: I'm dead serious. If DC finally gets its ish together, then the MCU might just have to rise to former glory as well. Ultimately, fandoms always win wherever competition arises, so... Black Adam, I love you already.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....