Disturbing Movies Without Jump Scares That Leave You Uneasy For Days

Looking for movies that give you an uneasy feeling in your guts after watching it? Well, look no further. The movies that we'll show will leave you disturbed and thought about for days. And on top of that, none of them got jump scares!

Black Swan in Midsommar setting
Disturbing movies that leave you uneasy. | © EarlyGame

We're all in search for thrilling movies that grab you and hold your attention. However, there are moments when watching horror movies becomes tiring, because sometimes it's just overloaded with an excess of jump scares.

Are you a scaredy-cat, too? We'll introduce you some of the best disturbing movies that will captivate you, leaving behind an unsettling feeling that will linger in your thoughts for days – without jump scares, of course!

Not Such A Paradise After All? – Midsommar

Midsommar dress
Midsommar: Hell in the middle of paradise. | © A24

"Midsommar" is a psychological horror film directed by Ari Aster. The story follows Dani, a grieving woman dealing with a recent family tragedy, who decides to join her boyfriend Christian and his friends on a trip to a rural Swedish village to attend a rare midsummer festival. What initially seems like an idyllic and serene experience turns into a disturbing and nightmarish journey.

As the festivities unfold, the group becomes increasingly entangled in the peculiar and unnerving customs of the community. The film explores themes of grief, relationships, and the clash between modernity and ancient traditions.

Midsommar Scream Scene
Spreading their pain by screaming? | © A24

The mysterious vibes, mixed with awesome camera work, create a kind of creepy and really memorizable movie experience. The vibrant scenery, filled with flowers and trees, contrasts with the typically serene mood, thanks to the intense and somewhat sinister music in this film.

"Midsommar" is known for its really graphic scenes, as well as its exploration of the human psyche under the influence of a surreal and menacing environment. People love this movie because it brings a fresh perspective to horror, giving us a story that makes you think and visuals that stay with you well after the movie ends.

Did I awake your interest? Then go and check out "Midsommar" on Amazon Prime !

Are There Really Dark Forces? – The Witch

The Witch
Anya Taylor-Joy as Thomasin in "The Witch" | © Universal Pictures

Robert Egger's "The Witch" is a chilling period horror film. Set in the 1630s New England, the story revolves around a Puritan family exiled from their community and attempting to establish a new life on the edge of a dark and foreboding forest.As the family grapples with the harsh challenges of isolation and the unforgiving wilderness, they start suspecting there might be supernatural stuff going on. When their newborn disappears and their crops fail, paranoia and fear ramp up, causing accusations of witchcraft within the family.

The witch family
Family praying to Jesus Christ and trying to live as the bible tells them to. | © Universal Pictures

The movie skillfully delves into themes of religious zeal, superstition, and how individuals mentally unravel when confronted with the mysterious and unknown. It's also famed for its atmospheric tension, flawless period details and a haunting score.

It flips traditional horror expectations, going for a gradual, psychological approach that keeps viewers in suspense. With its chilling imagery and eerie atmosphere, the film has earned its status as a modern horror classic, presenting a visually striking and thought-provoking exploration of dread and paranoia in a Puritanical setting.

Currently, you can stream it on Netflix. It's on there for a while now, though, so you better check it out before it gets removed someday.

What Is It Worth Without Perfection? – Black Swan

Black Swan Nina
Nina as her own biggest enemy. | © 20th Century Studios

"Black Swan" is a gripping psychological thriller directed by Darren Aronofsky, currently available on Disney+. The story follows Nina, a talented but fragile and mentally unstable ballet dancer, as she lands the lead role in a New York City production of "Swan Lake." Faced with intense pressure and competition, Nina struggles with her sanity.

As she strives for perfection, Nina's mental state deteriorates, blurring the lines between reality and hallucination. The movie takes us on a wild ride through Nina's mind, exploring themes of obsession, identity, and the high-stakes world of professional ballet.

Black swan costume
Nina in her costume as the black swan. | © 20th Century Studios

Natalie Portman delivers a stunning performance, earning her an Academy Award for Best Actress. The film's surreal and dark atmosphere, combined with the haunting score, keeps you on the edge of your seat. "Black Swan" is a thrilling journey into the psyche of an artist, filled with suspense, twists, and a touch of the supernatural. It's a must-watch for those who enjoy psychological dramas with a hint of the surreal!

Norms Put To Test? – The Strange Thing About The Johnsons

The Strange Thing About The Jonsohns
Father and son, but with a twist? | © Fluxufy/YouTube

Now, this movie is a thought-provoking masterpiece that may just leave you in disbelief. It's a unique cinematic creation that immerses into the complexities of family dynamics, secrets, and societal taboos. What's even more intriguing? This movie wasn't produced by Hollywood bigwigs but by a group of talented students. Yes, you read it right – this short film is available on YouTube, bringing a fresh perspective to independent filmmaking.Directed by Ari Aster during his time as a student (you remember, the same guy who also produced "Midsommar"), the film doesn't shy away from tackling uncomfortable subjects. It tells the story of a seemingly normal family, unveiling dark secrets beneath the surface.

The strange thing about the johnsons family picture
The Johnsons' Family with their son not looking in their camera. Just like every little child, right? | © Fluxufy/YouTube

The students' creativity shines through as they skillfully navigate the delicate balance between horror and drama. "The Strange Thing About the Johnsons" proves that innovative and thought-provoking films can emerge from unexpected places, showcasing the power of student-driven storytelling in the digital age.

If you're up for a cinematic experience that challenges norms, this one's definitely worth checking out on YouTube. Keep in mind that there is an age restriction, though.

Eric Leneschmidt

Eric loved playing video games since he was little and is now a gaming journalist at EarlyGame. To escape from his League of Legends addiction, he also enjoys movies, TV shows, as well as internet drama....