Leonardo DiCaprio Could Join The Squid Game Cast Soon

Can Hollywood please leave Squid Game alone? Leonardo DiCaprio REALLY doesn't have to join the cast of Squid Game... but it could happen.

Squid game leonardo dicaprio
I don't need this. At all. | © Netflix/Red Granite Pictures

Okay, I'm going to get the facts out of the way before I give my two cents, I feel like that's important for you to either agree or disagree with me.

You all probably know by now that Squid Game is getting a second season. Well-deserved and we can't wait for the next season. However, what happens after that? Well, Squid Game director Hwang Donghyuk would like to include one very special actor sometime in the future.

There will be no known Hollywood actor in Season 2... it’s still set in Korea [...] Maybe if time or chances allow, we can ask [Leo] to join the games.

Now you might be asking yourself: Leo? Leonardo DiCaprio? Yes. He's a huge fan of the show and Hwang believes that the actor would be a great addition for a third season, for example.

Okay, now here's the thing... how about we don't do that, hm? How about we just let Asian people be in the spotlight for a little while longer without news of a Hollywood actor joining the cast overshadowing everything and everyone else?

And yes, I know, this comes from Hwang directly who is, of course, Korean, but I'm still salty. Like, come on, you have a good thing going here. Let your wonderful actors enjoy the spotlight on their own, they're doing fine without someone like DiCaprio right now.

Squid Game was great because it was different. We didn't know the cast (unless you're an avid viewer of Korean TV shows) and we still loved it. Season 2, 3, 4, we're still going to love it, even without an A-list actor. And yes, DiCaprio is a fantastic actor, nobody will argue with that. But he can be a fantastic actor in Hollywood.

Michelle Stummreiter

Michelle was the Head of Content at EarlyGame. Her favorite games are League of Legends and the Dragon Age series....