The Witcher TV Series Is Officially Dead

The third season of The Witcher hasn't even been released yet, but for many fans, the series is already dead. The reason for this is that Henry Cavill will be hanging up his boots as Geralt of Rivia.

T He Witcher Netflix S3
Once the hottest new thing on Netflix, The Witcher already seems a dead TV show. | © Netflix

For three seasons, Henry Cavill embodies the main character in the popular Netflix series “The Witcher” – and... let's be honest... he's the only thing or the only character that kept the show running in the first place. Now all we have left is mediocre at best writing, some writers and producers that actively disliked the source material, and a new main character. It's all going downhill from here...

Liam Hemsworth Will Be The New Witcher

If you've been on social media in the last 24 hours, you'll already know that season three will also be the final season in which we'll see Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia in The Witcher on Netflix. The 39-year-old initially took it to himself on his Instagram, and the report was later confirmed by the series' official account on Twitter.

Of course, many fans immediately speculated as to what could be the reasons for Cavill's sudden departure. Is it because of the show's not-so-amazing story? Or is he simply too busy right now, coming back as Superman? Well... the industry magazine "Deadline" claims to have learned from well-informed sources that Cavill had only signed a "temporary contract" with "The Witcher". After three seasons, the star felt it was time to move on. The "demanding production schedule" of the series, which is being produced in England, may have also contributed to Cavill's decision.

So, even before the third season gets released in the summer of 2023, the fourth season has already been announced – including a new main actor. Following in Henry Cavill's footsteps, Liam Hemsworth will portray Geralt on the big screen for however long the series will continue to exist. If you look at the reactions of the community, it seems like The Witcher should have ended with the protagonist leaving...

Marco Kilian

Marco was a Content Writer at EarlyGame, covering all things FIFA and Rocket League....