Yes, we get it, it's April 1st and every company in the world has to come up with some sort of joke. In FIFA 21, we at least got a decent pack for just a few coins... in FIFA 22 too? Find out why the Bronze Pack is useful.

FIFA 23 will be free-to-play!!!!!! April Fool's, hahaha, OMG so funny. April Fool's jokes just get better every year, more creative, and no way are they worn out yet. Sorry if I sound like a boomer, but a lot of these "jokes" just suck. Well, let's get back to FIFA, because it's tradition for EA Sports to release an "April Fool's Joke" as well.
Same procedure as last year. The SBC is still useful. You can throw all those players in there that you never use. Exchange every Bronze Player and receive a Bronze Pack*.
What is in the Bronze Player Pack in FIFA 22?
The Bronze Pack* gives us a small 50K pack. Surely, this may not be the best pack in FIFA Ultimate Team, but still extremely good value for the cost.The requirements are no real challenge. 11 players – on bronze – three leagues, 4 countries, 3 teams – and 30 chemistry. So you can just throw in anything that is still in your FUT squad.
Let's be honest, the FUT content hasn't been nice in the last few days. Yes, Fantasy FUT gave us two teams with some nice cards, but there was just very little on offer during the week.
While this isn't the best pack in FIFA Ultimate Team, it's damn good value for the price. The requirements are extremely easy. 11 players - a bronze must be there - three leagues, 4 countries, 3 teams and chemistry from 30. So you can just tap into what you have lying around.
But thanks to the Showdown Series SBCs, the April Fool's joke even makes sense. Because the Bronze Pack* provides you with some golden fodders for other SBCs. Well, you really can't hate it. Thank you EA.
Waaaaaait, it's TOTS time already? Check out the FUT calendar and never miss a event in FIFA 22.