Sprinters like Usain Bolt, OP long shots and absolute defensive beasts: In FIFA 23 there are a lot of players who will trigger some hard rage moments for you. We have listed the five most annoying players. Let's have a look at who really made the list!

In every new FIFA, there are some players who are way too overpowered. Well, it's obvious that players like R9, who cost multiple million coins, are preeeeetty good. But there aren't only fancy special cards which belong to the best players in FIFA 23. It gets really annoying when you have to see certain footballers in nearly every second match. We have to think back to the Varane-Mendy connection from FIFA 21.
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The Most Annoying Players In FIFA 23 – Top 5
Who are the most annoying in game players in FIFA 23? We have looked at the current meta, the stats of the cards, the price and the possibilities to link players through their nation or league to create this list. You really don't want to face any of those players in FUT Champions.
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Most Annoying Players In FIFA 23 Number 5: Erling Haaland

The former best striker in FIFA 23 is still pretty decent, but he is not destroying countless controllers in FUT Champions anymore. Lengthy isn't as OP as it used to be in FUT, and that's exactly what made players like Haaland usable. Sure, his finishing remains incredible, but some defenders can actually keep up with him now.
His OTW card has already gotten some upgrades and will continue to do so in the upcoming months. By the end of FUT, he will probably get a crazy TOTS card that will just break your opponent's will to live. At least if EA gives him a boost to his Skills and Weak Foot.
Most Annoying Players In FIFA 23 Number 4: Kyle Walker

When you see him, you instantly know that there won't be working much on your left offensive side – your poor, poor winger. The guy is super quick, and doesn't even need the Lengthy AcceleRATE type to be an absolute monster in the defense. With new special cards being released throughout the year, Kyle Walker will pretty much stay one of the best RBs in the game.
Most Annoying Players In FIFA 23 Number 3: Patrick Vieira

Usually, Patrick Vieira is one of these icons only used by professionals or streamers, because he's just too damn expensive. Due to the release of the World Cup Swaps, where you can exchange your tokens for a few World Cup Icons, that's not the case anymore – by grinding FUT, pretty much anybody can unlock him, even before TOTY.
To be honest, his upgraded card isn't as annoying as some other players on this list. It's just that if everybody uses him in midfield, it kinda sucks. Well... at least it's worth grinding Squad Battles to get some of these tokens...
Most Annoying Players In FIFA 23 Number 2: Kylian Mbappe

It's pretty obvious why Kylian Mbappé is the only gold player in FIFA 23 still worth a decent amount of coins. He was already among the best strikers during the Lengthy meta – while other OP players got worse after the update, our cover star pretty much stayed the same.
As soon as Mbappé starts to run and your opponent uses a well-timed L1-pass, it's GG! With his finishing abilities, it's quite rare that he misses 1vs1 situations against any keeper. Or you can just use his 5* Skills to dribble around anybody who's in your way.
Most Annoying Players In FIFA 23 Number 1: Saeed Al-Owairan

FIFA Ultimate Team has a new king and his name is Saeed Al-Owairan! Since the other two AcceleRATE types got way better after the update, nobody can match the insane pace of this FUT Hero.
It's quite honestly a cheat code... everybody who already faced him in Rivals or the Weekend League will know the pain. Compared to him, it seems like every other player moves in slow motion. At the moment, he's definitely the most annoying player in FIFA 23!