Expectations were high for the new Transfer Market, which combined the major platforms PlayStation and Xbox for the first time in the history of FIFA. Matching the FUT Birthday Event, we will also give you a small gift by taking a closer look at the new FIFA 23 FUT Transfer Market and explaining it to you bit by bit.

FIFA 23: These Consoles Use The Same Transfer Market
The FIFA 23 Transfer Market is divided into two parts. The following platforms share the same Transfer Market:
- PS4
- PS5
- Xbox One
- Xbox Series X|S
- Stadia
The following platforms are not included in the Transfer Market above and therefore have their own separate FUT Transfer Market per platform:
- PC
- Switch
The reason for this is probably that PC players would have a huge advantage with bots to acquire items and players, hence the separate Transfer Market.
FUT Transfer Market Is Independent Of Crossplay Settings
If you too were one of those FIFA players who regularly encountered PC FIFA players letting the NPC play for them, you may have disabled Crossplay. But don't worry: the FUT Transfer Market is independent of your Crossplay settings, so you can at least stay connected to the other consoles when buying and selling.
And now a short example of what it means to have a Crossplay Transfer Market: If someone drops a card on the market on Stadia, then all PS4 and PS5 players as well as Xbox One and Series players can bid. Of course, this also gives the new market a whole new dynamic.
New FUT Transfer Market: How it started
The merged market was flooded with cards at the start of FIFA 23. Even walkouts (cards with a rating of 86 or higher) were hardly priced where they were in the last few years, after the release of The FUT Companion App. With the beginning of Fifa's first major event, the FIFA 23 OTW promo, supply, and demand regulated prices. This was mainly due to the fact that the first players and Gamble SBCs appeared, many players were keen on.
Merged FUT Transfer Market: Good idea but poor implementation
Purely in terms of gameplay, it's finally time that we can play together with our friends, no matter what platform we play FIFA 23 on. And the idea of forming a largely uniform FUT Transfer Market is laudable, but obviously not yet fully thought through. Where there is light, there is also shadow. Due to the exclusion of the PC and the switch from the FUT Transfer Market, there are sometimes considerable price differences between the various markets in terms of supply and demand. Especially when you look at the range and prices of high-end FUT cards, like FUT TOTYs or decent FUT Icons or FUT Heroes. The bottom line is that this good idea needs a better implementation. EA should make some adjustments there.

FUT Transfer Market: How it works
But now we have talked enough about theory, now it's time to get down to business! Let's go shopping. The FUT transfer market offers FIFA players the opportunity to pimp their club in FUT in every single way. For example, through new strong gold or special cards. You can simply enter the Player Name in the search bar of the FUT Transfer Market. You will immediately be shown pages of FUT Gold cards, if available also Special cards, of the player you are looking for.
If you're wondering who is offering these cards, FIFA players like you and me had these players on their Transfer List and put them up for auction. So pick the card that appears to have the lowest price and either make an offer or take the option to get the player for a Buy Now price.
Would you like an example?!: You like Thomas Müller's FUT Birthday card. You enter its name in the search bar and also have the option to specify the Quality of the card you are looking for. So with Thomas Müller, you select the FUT Birthday Event. Now you will first see the cards that are close to the end of the auction.
Attention: If you have a little patience and are already familiar with the prices of the FUT cards, you can also snag one or two bargains here! However, there is a high risk for newcomers that a card will be bought at far too high a price. From now on, that won't happen to you (anymore). Because if you read further, you will know how to use the individual categories in the search settings of the FUT Transfer Market to your advantage on the one hand. On the other hand, you can check out our FUT Trading Tips For FIFA 23.
FUT Transfer Market: How to shop
The most important tab in the transfer market is the Price Range. Most of the time you are fine with gradually increasing the Maximum Buy Now price and starting the search process after each increase. Eventually, your player will appear on the transfer market, allowing you to purchase him for a decent or even cheaper price than usual. You should find out in advance which approximate price category your desired player is in. This avoids having to adjust the maximum price for an unnecessarily long time.
If you have a little more time and patience, you also have the option of bidding on FUT cards, like at an auction. However, it is usually the case that there are competitors who are interested in the same FUT card and can drive up the price. So caution is advised.
FUT transfer market: what else does it offer?
Of course, the purchases, and sales of player cards attract the most attention. But The FUT transfer market offers much more. You can also easily apply the tips for buying players to all your transfers.
The second important category on the transfer market are Consumables. Here, you have the opportunity to buy Player Chemistry Style cards that allow your FUT cards unique boosts to their attributes (The Best FUT Chemistry Styles). As of this year, the Position Modifier cards are almost even more essential(New Position Changes In FUT 23 Explained.). To get the last bit of chemistry out of your team, it sometimes helps to put your manager in a different league. That's why Manager League cards exist. If you're still not completely familiar with the new chemistry system, check out this article: FIFA 23: How To Get Full Chemistry In FUT.
Consumables also include Player and Manager Contracts. These extend the possible uses of your players and managers. At least, you can buy Player Healing cards so that your injured players can recover. In case you need a manager with a specific nation, or you just want to sign your favourite trainer, you can do that under the tab Stuff.
Once you've equipped that far, you're ready for the fine-tuning. In the category Stadium, you will find everything you need to give your club the ultimate look. Buy your dream stadium, the Kits of your favourite club, the heaviest Flame or Confetti Cannons and the coolest cheering pose to celebrate your next goal in the right setting and in the best possible style.
If we have not only whetted your appetite for the FUT transfer market, but also for the virtual market in general, how about you get the PS5 now. All that remains for us to say is: Good luck with your shopping, and have even more fun with your purchases in FIFA.