Where To Find The Ruins And Collect The Durrrburger Relic

With the Indiana Jones outfit finally in Fortnite, players are hard at work trying to complete all exclusive challenges to earn his skin.

indiana jones in fortnite
Suit up, it's time to raid some temples! I ©Epic Games

The Indiana Jones-themed challenges range for simple almost freebie-like ones, such as searching chests at Shifty Shafts, to unlocking certain puzzles or finding relics in specific locations.

One of the hardest ones players have found thus far is trying to pinpoint the exact location of The Ruins and the Durrburger Relic hiding in them. Doing so, while also finding a relic hidden at The Temple, will complete the challenge that rewards Loopers with the Expedition Bag back bling.

More importantly, this is one of the four mandatory challenges you'll need to complete to get the base Indiana Jones skin (the Temple Explorer style requires you to complete all of them). If you're having trouble, we're here to help!

Where To Find The Durrrburger Relic


Both The Ruins and the Temple are not named locations on Fortnite's map, despite being recognizable landmarks in the game. We've circled the sites of both landing spots down below.

temple ruins location fortnite
Top left is the Temple, bottom right you'll find the Ruins. I ©Epic Games

Once you're here finding the relics is easy enough; get as close to the landmarks as possible, a small exclamation sign will show up on the map pointing you to the exact direction of the small Durrburger. It should look something like the picture below:

fortnite ruins
The relic location at the Ruins I ©Epic Games

The hardest part of the challenge at the moment is trying to stay alive while raiding the locations. Whether you're playing solo or with friends, your best bet is to find some loot beforehand and quickly sweep the spots for the relics. Remember, you have to find both in a single match.


Alternatively, if you're up for it, land directly in either of the two locations that will no doubt become hot landing spots in the coming days, loot before your enemies, and rob them of the chance to complete the quest. We hope this quick guide helps you and you find yourself rocking that incredible-looking Indiana Jones outfit in no time!

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Andres Aquino
Andres Aquino