Battlefield 7 Leak: Battle Royale Mode Planned For Launch & Specialists Returning

A new Battlefield 7 leak has just emerged that claims the game is in active development. Apparently a Battle Royale mode is planned for launch and the infamous Specialist's system is returning.

battlefield 7 Leak
Battlefield 7 is apparently happening... | © EA

Battlefield 2042 was a disaster. Hell, even the recent Battlefield Mobile project was shut down. Long story short, the franchise is in shambles and EA doesn't know what to do with it. But that won't stop them from trying with the series.


Battlefield 7 Leaks: Battle Royale & Specialists

A new leak has emerged from 4chan that claims Battlefield 7 is in active development and will include a Battle Royale mode, and even Specialists. The Specialists were despised in BF2042, so that decision makes no sense, but a proper Battle Royale would surely be more entertaining than whatever the f*ck Hazard Zone was.

Here's exactly what the leak claimed:

Specialists return with a “classic” mode available in custom games.

Campaign is a direct follow up to final stand, focused on stopping Russia from forming the PAC, Recker returns and is the playable character. Big focus on huge set pieces and an emotional backbone

Multiplayer is 128 players, metro on launch, planned 7 maps with a big destruction event on each (a destructible city is planned), Gun customization is pretty much a carbon copy of gunsmith. SBMM being considered and prototyped. Server browser is only for custom games.

Battle royale developed by ripple effect. Free to play. Biggest map in battlefield history roughly double the size of verdansk. Helis and tanks are gained through contracts and drop in by air. Big focus on classes. Set in Moscow your goal is to eliminate all other operators or extract early and return next match with better loot.

This was a leak from 4chan, so we have to take it with a grain of salt, but the idea of a Battle Royale in Battlefield was kind of expected. But, honestly, we would rather EA just gave up on Battlefield and focused on the Star Wars FPS instead.

Are you excited about the next Battlefield game?

Expectations might be low for BF7, but it surely can't be this bad...

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....