Bully Was Meant To Be Announced Last Week...

The Bully reboot was meant to be shown last week, but it wasn't. Why?

Rockstar cancelled
Bully would not be made these days. | © Rockstar

If you're old enough, then you probably remember Bully. It used to be a huge game for Rockstar, but because you played as a bully (hence the name) it could very much be described as a game "of it's time". I mean, heaven knows the hot water they could get into these days. Nevertheless, Rockstar were thought to be bringing it back. But we expected to get the official reveal last week, so what happened?


Bully at the Game Awards

We had heard reboot rumors for a long time, and were expecting Rockstar to reveal Bully 2 at the Game Awards. Although it's an award event, the Game Awards are also treated as a quasi-showcase, so it would have been a good opportunity for Rockstar. But the evening came and went. And there wasn't even a hint at Bully 2.

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Why didn't we see Bully?

Exactly why is still a mystery, but one industry insider has promised more answers to follow:

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In other Tweets he claims that people outside Rockstar have already tested a playable build, so if nothing else it at least made it quite far through development. We don't know exactly why we didn't see Bully, but it's most likely to be one of these three reasons:

We expect insiders to reveal further details soon, and we'll let you know as soon as we hear more.


When will Bully be released?

If this game does actually come out, and the playable build news leads us to believe it still likely will, then you should expect it no sooner than 2023. It definitely won't come out in 2022 if it hasn't been revealed yet, but it also won't
(hopefully) take as long as GTA 6.

Well, there you have it folks, no Bully 2 news for you just yet - but here's something to wet the whistle.

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....