CS2: Best Weapon Loadouts

We say bye bye to the buy wheel from Counter Strike: Global Offensive and give a warm welcome to the loadout system in Counter Strike 2. Here is what you need to know and our thoughts on what weapons you should select for your loadout.

Think before you play: The CS2 Loadout restricts you from accessing all weapons. | ©Valve

Counter Strike's buy menu is a thing of the past. The store that was introduced with the plan of being well suited for PC and consoles won't be there for Counter Strike 2. Valve announced the Loadout system, which is similar to Valorant's buy system, but way more limited, making Counter Strike 2 even more tactical.

Let's take a look at what the Loadout system is, what options it presents, and why you need to plan before playing your games.


CS2 Loadout: Best Weapons Per Category

Finally, a more compact buy menu. Valve released a tweet presenting the Loadout system for CS2 for the first time.

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You can see it being structured into 5 pistols, 5 mid-tier weapons and 5 rifles to select for play. Finally, you can play the M4A4 and the M4A1-S in the same game. But you need to sacrifice another rifle for this. Same goes for CZ-75 and Five-SeveN or Desert Eagle and Revolver.

Here are our thoughts on the best weapon picks for each category. But remember, this is totally individual. If you are a demon with the MP5, you still want to select this one.

CS2 Loadout: Best Pistols

There aren't many pistols to choose from | ©Valve

For the pistols, there isn't a real change in numbers of guns you can select in game. With the buy wheel, you had the option of 5 different pistols, including the starting pistol. The same goes for the Loadout system. You still have to decide whether you pick the USP-S or the P2000 as the starting pistol for the CT-side. Following this decision, there are 6 weapons that you need to pick 4 from. These include the P250, Desert Eagle, R9-Revolver, CZ-75, Dual Berettas Tec-9 (on T-side) or Five-SeveN (CT-side). Here is our selection:

Pistol SlotPistol Selection
Starting Pistol

T-Side: Glock-18

CT-Side: USP-S

Pistol Slot 2P250
Pistol Slot 3Desert Eagle
Pistol Slot 4

T-Side: Tec-9

CT-Side: Five-SeveN

Pistol Slot 5Dual Berettas

For us, the USP-S is still better than the P200. The P250 and the Deagle are must-haves for Eco-rounds or as secondaries. The CZ-75 has been nerfed into the ground, therefore we recommend using Tec-9 and Five-SeveN as the high-fire pistols.

The Dual Berettas have seen a lot of play recently, especially on A-site on Nuke. The R9-Revolver deals good damage, but isn't worth the money in our opinion.


CS2 Loadout: Best Mid-Tier Weapons

It gets quite tricky with the mid-tier weapons | ©Valve

This is the section where you need to sacrifice a lot of weapons. From a total of 10 possible guns to choose from in the CS:GO buy wheel, you now only can bring 5 in total to your game. There are plenty of options for this, and the selection we make might not be for you. If you are brilliant with a weapon we aren't selecting, keep on playing it.

Mid-Tier SlotMid-Tier Weapon Selection
Mid-Tier Slot 1T-Side: Mac-10

CT-Side: MP9

Mid-Tier Slot 2


Mid-Tier Slot 3XM1014
Mid-Tier Slot 4T-Side: Sawed-Off

CT-Side: Mag-7

Mid-Tier Slot 5Negev

We opt for 2 SMG's, 2 Shotguns and 1 Heavy. Let's start with the SMG's. The Mac-10/MP9 offers great value for money. The MP7 has superb mid- and long-range stats for the price. The MP5 and PP-Bizon aren't as good as the selected ones.

The P90 is just too expensive. In most cases where a P90 is financially viable, a Famas or Galil-AR are usable as well. If you like the UMP-45, you can slot it in for the Mac-10/MP9's, but the slow fire rate is a big reason against it.

For the shotguns, the XM1014 should be your preference. In my humble opinion, the Mag-7 is the second-best shotgun. The selection on T-side is up to your personal preference. If you like the Nova (or have a cool skin), pick it. If you rather opt for the Sawed-Off, select it.

I would recommend going with a cheap and an expensive shotgun instead of picking 3 SMG's. The Negev can be a weapon that is hard to neglect on some areas on some maps. Also, it is incredibly funny getting a kill with it.

CS2 Loadout: Best Rifle Weapons On T-Side

Are you choosing the Auto-sniper? | ©Valve

Now it gets interesting. Valve added the possibility of selecting both M4A4 and M4A1-S in the same loadout. Both feature great benefits depending on the map and situation you are in. For the Terrorists, the selection is easier. Since the two sides will have some differences, we will split them, let's start with the T-Side:

Rifle SlotRifle Weapon Selection
Rifle Slot 1AK-47
Rifle Slot 2Galil-AR
Rifle Slot 3AWP
Rifle Slot 4SSG 08
Rifle Slot 5SG 553

The AK-47 is a must-have, you should always have an AWP, even if you don't play it. The "Big Green" is a game changer in the right hands and can win games on its own. The SSG is the budget AWP and a two-hit sniper. The Galil-AR deals great damage for the price. The only discussion to be held here is the SG 553. If you don't use it at all, you can pick the auto-sniper G3SG1 for some trolling.


CS2 Loadout: Best Rifle Weapons On CT-Side

Both M4's or another weapon with a scope? | ©Valve

For the CT-Side, you have a decision to make. You can pick both M4's, but your next selection will be tough. Let's have a rundown:

Rifle Slot

Rifle Weapon Selection

Rifle Slot 1M4A4
Rifle Slot 2M4A1-S
Rifle Slot 3AWP
Rifle Slot 4Famas
Rifle Slot 5SSG 08

If you opt for both M4's, you have to make a decision between AUG and SSG 08. The auto-shotgun isn't really a smart option on the CT-Side then. If you only play one of the M4's – and are prepared for getting flamed for not selecting both when a player wants the M4 dropped you don't picked – you can bring in both AUG and SSG 08. Or opt for the Scar-20 as the auto-sniper troll-pick.


You Can Finally Sell Weapons And Grenades

You made a mistake while shopping? No problem in CS2. You can sell purchased weapons and grenades. Yes, this is a feature that Valorant has, it doesn't mean Valve stole something. But this idea was floating around before Riot starting to make a shooter like CS:GO. It just makes sense having this feature implemented in your game. It's just a little quality of life change. One that we have been asking Valve to bring to CS for a long time.

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Counter-Strike 2 is finally here, so make sure to be well-prepared for the first fights on Mirage, Inferno and Dust 2!

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Jonathan Rossbach

Jonathan has over 2.1k hours in Counter-Strike, but has just as much love for other shooters, as well as sports- and simulation games. He enjoys playing FIFA, F1, Valorant, Minecraft or the good old Euro Truck Simulator. ...