Diablo 4 Endgame Tier List

When you're choosing a Diablo 4 class it's worth thinking about how long you intend to play. If you can imagine yourself playing for hundreds of hours and hitting max level, then you really need to be looking at endgame tier lists rather than standard tier lists. You can check our endgame tier list of the best classes in Diablo 4 below.

Endgame tier ranking Diablo 4 H
Diablo 4 endgame tier list. | © Blizzard

We already have tier lists for group-play and solo-play, but in those Diablo 4 tier lists we wanted to look very broadly at the experience of playing each class. In this Diablo 4 endgame tier list, we're instead focusing purely on the endgame / maxed-out version of each class. So if one class is absolutely dog in the beginning but great at the end, we will consider it a great class in this tier list.

Note: We aren't taking the difficulty of playing each class into consideration here; it's an endgame tier list so we assume to even get to level 100 you all know how to play the game pretty well.

Diablo 4 Endgame Tier List



Can you believe it? We were so mean to Druids during the beta (capped at level 25), but when we were able to test an endgame build we completely changed our mind.

At the start of levelling Druids feel downright frustrating. But once you get enough resource-generation abilities, the class effectively "takes off". From that point onward the Druid becomes more powerful by comparison to other classes with every level.

And besides resource-generation, it's also very powerful for endgame content that the Druid has such great defensive capabilities. Defense becomes far more significant the deeper into the game you get.

If you think you're on the wrong page and want a more simple overview of each class, we got you:



Call me biased, I don't care. This class is dope in the earlygame, dope in the midgame, and dope in the endgame. Yes they did receive a nerf after the beta, but at that point the class was just broken. However, we still feel that the post-nerf version of the Sorceress deserves a place in the A-tier of a Diablo 4 endgame tier list.

It's kind of cheap but here's a tip: just use the broken chain-lightning build. With this spammy ability levelled up, and with good gear and some other core skills, the Sorceress is both easy to use and strong.

We would love to put the Sorceress in the S-Tier but if we're being realistic, it would need to be a bit tankier to be truly outstanding in the endgame.


A lot of folks just don't find melee as engaging, but the Barbarian can be so powerful for endgame content that we have to put it in the A-tier.

The way Barbarians scale up will actually be quite familiar to those of you who have played a martial class in DnD. Unlike mages, you're going to rely more on gear and equipment. But Blizzard are very generous with giving out gear and equipment. And so if you get to the endgame and you collect powerful gear, you're going to end up doing the most damage in the group, while also being one of the tankiest.

Endgame tier ranking Diablo 4
Diablo 4 endgame tier ranking: Barbarians. | © Blizzard

And thankfully the mages are quite front-loaded in Diablo 4, so you don't have to worry about your Sorceress buddy doing world-changing magic while all you can do is hit stuff in the endgame. You certainly won't feel overshadowed.

The only reason we don't have Barbarians in the S-Tier is that they don't have as much versatility as the Druid.



The Necromancer slaps so hard at lower-levels. But when the game gets more difficult your summons start dying very easily, and at that point you've lost exactly what made the Necromancer so strong before.

Yes, the class has some inherent tankyness from vampirism, and yes it gets access to super-high damage ults, but unless they buff the core mechanic of the class (undead minions), the Necromancer is simply less viable for endgame content than the classes higher on this tier list. Tragic to see but undeniable.

One silver-lining, Necromancers look badass as f*ck:

Endgame tier ranking Diablo 4 necromancer
Diablo 4 endgame tier ranking: Necromancer. | © Blizzard



Rogues are so awesome for lower-level play that most of you probably just won't believe us when we say the class falls off in the endgame. But it's true.

The problem with Rogues during the endgame is quite simple: they're incredibly squishy. In the earlygame this is okay because you have all the awesome movement that can be used to evade rather than directly defend, but against harder enemies a lot of these abilities simply won't work as effectively.

That was your overview of how powerful each class is in the endgame, we hope you found it helpful. If you're looking for more Diablo 4 guides, do yourself a favor and start by unlocking mounts.

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....