Here is the ultimate Sorcerer guide for Diablo 4. You can find an overview of the class, a rundown of the important Sorcerer stats, and (of course) the best possible builds: one for solo play, and one for group play.

Diablo 4 is a great installment to the franchise, and we expect it to be well received. But when we sat down to discuss the game's biggest issues of the beta, one of the obvious problems was balancing.
As you can see in our tier-ranking of all Diablo 4 classes, the Sorcerer is almost too good. They can do-it-all, and they can do it well. But hey, you're on this page, so we're guessing you don't care about balancing. You've chosen to play a Sorcerer, and now you want to mop the floor with every boss in Diablo 4. In this guide, we'll show you how.
We're going to go over the following topics for the Sorcerer:
- How Should You Play?
- What Stats Should You Look For In Gear?
- The Best Sorcerer Build For Solo Play
- The Best Sorcerer Build For Group Play
- How Do You Unlock Enchantments?
Right, let's start building a Sorcerer.
- If you still need to sort out your pre-order, here's a link to buy Diablo 4.
1. Sorcerer Guide: How Should You Play?
If you've played Diablo before, please ignore this and head on down to the build (we don't want to condescend). But, if you're brand new to Diablo 4, you might find the following tips helpful as you play:
- Before you have Ice Wall or Teleport, the default Dodge action is your only real way to avoid damage as a Sorcerer. Make sure you don't overuse dodge just to escape low-level targets (mobs), save it for heavy hits from the boss. The five-second cooldown will be the death of you otherwise.
- If you're playing in a group, remember that the Sorcerer has some of the best spells to use against mobs, so allow your Rogue to focus on the boss if ever you need to take on both at once.
- Generally speaking, your spells do three types of damage, and these damage types have their own effect:
- Pyromancy (Fire) spells do damage over time.
- Frost (Ice) spells will slow enemies down.
- Shock (Lightning) spells can either reduce cooldowns or increase crit chance.
- You have two Enchantment slots as a Sorcerer, these are very important. When you slot a skill into your Enchantment slot it gains an additional effect, and some of these are quite powerful.
Okay, those were some general tips, but now let's get to the specifics.
2. Sorcerer Guide: What Stats Should You Look For In Gear?
There are four basic stats in Diablo 4: Strength, Dexterity, Willpower, and Intelligence. As a Sorcerer you start with the following base stats:
- Strength: 7
- Dexterity: 7
- Intelligence: 10
- Willpower: 8
You can get more by picking up gear which comes with stat bonuses, or collecting Altars of Lilith. These are the most important stats for a Sorcerer:
- Intelligence: This is the most important stat because it will give you +0.05% All Resistance per point and x0.1% Skill Damage per point.
- Willpower: The second most important stat is Willpower because it gives you +0.1% Healing Received and x0.1% Resource Generation per point.
- Dexterity: This is the third most important stat because it can offer +0.025% Dodge Chance per point and x0.02% Critical Strike Chance per point.
You can completely ignore Strength, all it does is improve armor, and that's not a priority for Sorcerers in Diablo 4.
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3. The Best Sorcerer Build For Solo Play
Here is our recommended Sorcerer build for solo play using 25 skill points (the level cap of the beta):
Level / Slot | Skill / Talent | Upgrades |
Basic Skills / Talents | Spark (Level 1/5) | Enhanced Spark + Glinting Spark |
Core Skills / Talents | Chain Lightning (5/5) | Enhanced Chain Lightning + Greater Chain Lightning |
Defensive Skills / Talents | Teleport (1/5) / Ice Armor (5/5) | Enhanced Teleport + Shimmering Teleport / Enhanced Ice Armor + Mystical Ice Armor |
Conjuration Skills / Talents | Hydra (3/5) | Enhanced Hydra |
Mastery Skills / Talents | None | None |
Ultimate Skills / Talents | Inferno (1/5) | None |
- | - | - |
Enchantment Slot | Chain Lightning | N/A |
We have to spend a little more on defense and evasion for solo-play, and we aren't taking Glass Cannon.
4. The Best Sorcerer Build For Group Play
Here is our recommended Sorcerer build for group play using 25 skill points (the level cap of the beta):
Level / Slot | Skill / Talent | Upgrades |
Basic Skills / Talents | Spark (Level 1/5) | Enhanced Spark + Glinting Spark |
Core Skills / Talents | Chain Lightning (5/5) | Enhanced Chain Lightning + Greater Chain Lightning |
Defensive Skills / Talents | Teleport (1/5) / Ice Armor (2/5) / Glass Cannon (3/3) | Enhanced Teleport / Enhanced Ice Armor |
Conjuration Skills / Talents | Hydra (5/5) | Enhance Hydra |
Mastery Skills / Talents | None | None |
Ultimate Skills / Talents | Inferno (1/5) | None |
- | - | - |
Enchantment Slot | Chain Lightning | N/A |
In Group Play we can put more points into offensive skills and slightly less into defense and evasion.
5. How Do You Unlock Enchantments?
Get to level 15 on your Sorcerer and a new quest will automatically begin called Legacy of the Magi, complete the quest and you will unlock Enchantment slots. It's a very easy quest, just go to this part of the map (it will be highlighted by a blue circle in the south-east) and talk to the quest giver Mordarin:

Mordarin will direct you to a dungeon. It's all very straightforward, and you are given the objectives and directions on your map. Once you have cleared the dungeon, return to Mordarin, follow his instructions to complete a simple ritual, and the Enchantment slot will be immediately usable.
That was your complete overview of the Sorcerer in Diablo 4. We love the class, and we're sure you will too (but if not check out our Barbarian guide).