Diablo 4 Secret of the Spring Quest Guide

You don't know how to finish the quest "Secret of the Spring" in Diablo 4? Here is our Secret of the Spring quest guide and the answer to the riddle.

How to solve Spring Secret
Here is how to solve the Secret of the Spring riddle. | © Blizzard

If you've already played a bit of Diablo 4 you've probably already come across the "Secret of the Spring" side quest without realizing it. You get this quest very early on in the game simply by picking up a Discarded Note in the Kylsik Plateau in Fractured Peaks.

But the reason you're on this page is almost certainly because you haven't solved the riddle that's written on the Discarded Note. Here is the solution to the "Secret of the Spring" riddle.


Diablo 4: How To Complete Secret of the Spring Riddle

The correct answer to the riddle is "wait", but that doesn't mean we need to go and stand next to a spring for hours, all we need to do is just use the "wait" emote.

Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to the location north of Kyovashad, pictured above
  2. You will find a small spring, stand beside it and use the "Wait" emote
  3. A chest will appear just north of the spring
Secrets of the Spring: Wait emote. | © Blizzard

And as soon as the chest spawns, you will have completed the quest. Congratulations!

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....