Here's Drake's $8000 Gaming PC

Drake revealed his new gaming PC - a gift from Twitch Streamer Xposed.

Drake gaming pc
Who says gamers don't get girls? | © Drake, Falling Back

So the internet is a bit upset right now: Twitch streamer Xposed bought Drake a $8000 gaming PC, and many people don't like the fact that someone as rich as Drake is getting gifts. After all, Drizzy just recently reminded us that he never changed, he millionaired. From that perspective, the criticism is fair, but here's how Xposed justifies his gift:

Drake's $8000 Gaming PC

Many argue that Xposed would be better off buying a gaming PC for one of his subs that don't see $8k in a year, but hey... it's his money to spend as he desires, and I can imagine that there are many who would be proud to claim that helped Drake build up his streaming set-up. Plus... imagine Drake owing you a favor.

Of course, I'm not gonna withhold the gaming PC, which you can see in all its glory here - thanks to Jake Lucky, who first broke the news on the price tag of Drake's new rig:

Now, what I wanna know is how the hell Drake finds time to stream on Twitch. I barely find enough time to game, much less be confident enough to take my skillset live. Then again, if Elon Musk finds the time for Elden Ring, then... Drake can too. Also, this will likely be much more of a fun side-hustle rather than a new career path for Drake.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....