First Leaks on the Upcoming Dune Game

Dune was an incredible film, and it looks like it will be turned into an exclusive Xbox game. We have all the leak details below.

Dune game
I want this as a game yesterday please. | © Dune

Y'all watched Dune? If not, then do yourself a favor and correct that mistake. Dune is, certifiably, the best sci-fi/epic movie of the past decade... as long as you have the attention span for it. Dune is not John Carter, Dune is not Star Wars, no, Dune is much more Game of Thrones than any of the prior, meaning: Exposition, exposition, and more exposition. Still, from the dialogue, to the characters, to the set design, to the costume design... this is an all-time masterpiece, which is why I can't wait, for game to sh*t all over the movie, because let's face it: What was the last good movie-to-game adaption?

Dune Game Leak

So where are the leaks coming from? Well, they stem from inXile, who are responsible for the gem that is Wasteland 3. The devs certifiably gushed over the Dune release, have a Paul Artreides figure in their offices, and, most importantly, this happened:

Yup, that's the director of the 1984 movie visiting inXile. Hmmm... you mean to tell me that doesn't mean anything? Do you also mean to tell me it's irrelevant how Phil Spencer was gushing about Dune in an interview with GQ:

For me, [Dune is ] one of those seminal sci-fi series. More than The Lord Of The Rings. More than even Star Wars. I don’t know if it’s because it was written here in the Northwest – Frank Herbert was in Oregon – but it just always resonated with me.

Look, I can put 1 and 1 together and feel safe to unofficially announce: We're getting a Dune game, and it will most likely be an Xbox exclusive. But, before we get to see this masterpiece of cinematography turned into a videogame, though, we will get a taste of James Cameron's Avatar's attempt at becoming a hit in both worlds.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....