Elden Ring Is Coming to Game Boy. No Cap.

Elden Ring is already a shoe-in for game of the year, so, uhm... of course, the game is coming to GameBoy

Elden ring game boy demake
Looking... good? | © shintendoTV

Bloodborne made the jump to PlayStation, and, of course, GTA 5 is playable on a Game Boy. It seems that, to be anybody these days, you need to get your game ported to an old system. The thing is... the PS1 is not nearly as old as the Game Boy, and the GTA 5 Game Boy thing is not necessarily a new version of the game, but rather someone streaming the game on the old boy. So... for someone to seriously port Elden Ring to the Game Boy... that's a big deal.

Elden Ring In Development for the Game Boy

I'm making an Elden Ring demake for the Game Boy! It will work on real hardware! from Eldenring

So this guy is really, straight up re-making the game to run on the Game Boy, for anyone to play. No coding, no streaming, no emulator... no. Basically, he is building a new Game Boy game, that follows the Elden Ring formula... as much as that is possible, when limited to the Game Boy hardware.

The user in question goes by the name of shintendoTV, and he is also streaming the development of the Elden Ring demake on his Twitch channel.

In terms of its aesthetics, the game has real Pokemon Red & Blue vibes, some I'm getting nostalfic just looking at it. Of course, the Game Boy hardware comes with many limitations: There is no open-world and there is no enemy pathfinding. Also, there is no online multiplayer, and no PvP. Duh.

Still, the demake will feature iconic locations and characters that we've grown to love in the original: Church of Elleh, Melina... it's all there. Presumably, "No Maidens", will also make it, but there is likely no voice acting in this Game Boy version of Elden Ring.

As of now, the development is just trucking along, one tile at a atime, without a real plan behind it. Of course, that might change once this demake gets more traction, and possibly some crowdfunding.

Before you jump into the demake, though, we can only urge you to play Elden Ring. The game scored 10s across the board, and we love it just as much as anyone else. In fact, the entire office is playing it right now, as any true gamer should. It might be a while until we get to see a game like Elden Ring again. Forget game of the year, this one is an all-time classic already.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....