Final Fantasy 16: How To Parry

Here is a guide on how to parry in Final Fantasy 16's new action combat.

Final Fantasy 16 Demo
How to parry in Final Fantasy 16 and dominate your enemies | © Square Enix

It is finally time to dive into Final Fantasy 16! With it comes a new action combat system and lots of exciting battles, which means it is more important than ever to understand every facet of it. And that's the reason I have a little guide for you on how to parry, as it is vital to Clive's survival.

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How To Parry In Final Fantasy 16

So you stand across from a very powerful enemy and have been having some trouble beating him? Let's try to parry him! This mechanic is relatively simple to explain, but harder to master.

To parry an enemy, you have to attack him at the same time as he attacks you. But for it to work, you have to press the button only moments before the attack would hit you. Dark Souls fans might be familiar with how precise the timing has to be.

Every enemy has their own rhythm of attacks, which means in the beginning it can be a lot of trial and error until you get the timing down. But keep your chin up and keep going at it. That's the only way to improve and learn the patterns of the enemies.

When you do succeed in your parry, time will slow down around you. Use this window of opportunity to deal uninterrupted damage and fell your enemy.

Be careful as ranged and AoE attacks can't be parried, so don't try it and get hurt!

Now have fun beating all the different enemies in Final Fantasy 16!

Susanne Ehls

Susanne grew up in a gamer household, which made her fall in love with video games. She managed to turn her passion into her job, by working as an intern at EarlyGame and later being promoted to Junior Content Creator....