Leakers Reveal Four New Maps

Leakers have found some interesting information that there might be some new content coming to Battlefield 2042. How true are these leaks though?

Battlefield 2042 gameplay
New maps! I repeat, New. Maps. | © DICE

Battlefield 2042 really didn't have the best start, with bugs left, right and centre, as well as a lack of content which left players feeling cheated out of their money. The game had so much potential, and yet... it's never reached the heights fans had dreamed of.

So, some data miners have gone to work and tried to find whether the game is still salvageable and well... maybe this is the gold mine we've all been waiting for to get some hype into this game once more.

Are Four New Maps Coming to Battlefield 2042?

We have already lamented just how bad the launch of the game was. Multiple features were missing and fans were just not happy with the game. Now, a leak shows that there might be four new maps coming to the game.

Internal names of four maps were released by temporyal, a data miner on Twitter.

  • Drained
  • Ridge
  • Lights Out
  • Docklands

Though, these maps could just be maps that were cut during development for the game and not actually be a sign of new maps, but we're holding out hope here.

We have to remember that these are just leaks and anything can still happen in regard to this information. There has been no media released of these leaked maps yet, only the data mined image of the names of the maps.

Though, temporyal does state that 'Drained' could stand for a drained lake or river, something which has been spotted before in the official art book, so that could be a hint at what the map could look like if it were to be released officially.

EA and DICE are currently redesigning some existing maps, but getting brand-new content into the game would be a welcomed sight as well and would show that the developers haven't given up on Battlefield 2042 completely. Would new maps be able to save the game, though?

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....