How To Get The Ice Unicorn Emblem In Halo Infinite

The Ice Unicorn Emblem has become much sought-after since it was made available. What is it, and how do you get your hands on one?

halo infinite ice unicorn
It's time to get fabulous. | © 343 Industries via Gucci Goob / Picryl (CCL)

Rare Cosmetics are a joy in Halo Infinite, presenting you with a plethora of unique ways to deck out your armor and your arsenal alike. From the Yoroi Armor available via the Fracture: Tenrai events, to the gorgeous helmets and those beautiful shoulder pads, there is little to complain about when it comes to Halo Infinite's cosmetics. That especially goes now that it is clear that 343 Industries intend on adjusting the ridiculous costs associated with them.

The Ice Unicorn Emblem in Halo Infinite is a gorgeous little emblem that looks fantastic on the side of anything, from the classic assault rifle (pictured above) to the DMR. I mean, who doesn't like a good li'l unicorn? They're pretty, elegant, cheeky, and they look hopelessly mysterious on the side of the best weapons in Halo Infinite.


[Update: May 19, 2022]

Ice Unicorn Emblem Available Via Community Playdate

The Ice Unicorn Emblem never technically went away, as it is achieved by playing a match against a 343 Industries staff member. However, when giant community Playdates happen, it all gets a whole lot easier.

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On May 13, there was a huge Playdate, featuring a bunch of people from 343 Industries. It will be interesting to see if there are more of these in the future so that we can all get that delicious Ice Unicorn Emblem.

[Original Article: February 16, 2022]

What Is The Ice Unicorn In Halo Infinite?

The Ice Unicorn is an emblem in Halo Infinite, applicable as a cosmetic item to be donned upon weaponry. This Legendary Rarity emblem is not based on any kind of deep-level lore or anything, but is a reward available by playing the game's multiplayer (more on that in a minute). With that having been established, it's also important to note that you cannot pick up the Ice Unicorn Emblem in the Halo Infinite Item Shop, nor by leveling the Battle Pass or finding a Mjolnir Locker in the Halo Infinite Campaign.

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Unlocking Halo Infinite's Ice Unicorn Emblem

To unlock the Ice Unicorn Emblem, a player must play a multiplayer match against a 343 Industries development team member. A coder, an artist, a writer, a director, whatever is possible. This might seem pretty difficult to achieve, but is actually easier than you may have thought,

343 Industries have held a couple of different Halo Infinite Community Playdates that are livestreamed on the official Halo YouTube channel. You need to go into matchmaking whilst one of these Playdates, are in operation and hope to be matched with a developer. There's no way to guarantee that you'll be able to play a game with a member of 343 Industries' development team, but we would recommend keeping your eye on the livestream and cross-checking the members of your lobby.


The Ice Unicorn Emblem will be added to your arsenal upon finishing the match and can be equipped to either a weapon or your armor. It looks pretty cool, and is symbolic of something pretty cool, but we do want to give you a little warning before we go: remember that dropping out of lobbies can get you banned. You don't want this to happen, so whilst trying to get the Ice Unicorn Emblem don't forget to follow our guidelines on Halo Bans, how to appeal them and how to avoid them. Good luck, Spartans!

Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...