How To Get A PS5 For Christmas

We really hope you already got your PS5, because if you're hoping for one under the Christmas tree... well... bad news.

How to Get PS5 for Christmas
Chip shortage, y'all. Merry Christmas. | © Sony

How to Get a PS5 For Christmas

So, Sony had to cut their PS5 production by about 1 million units, due to component shortages and logistic stuff that I'm not gonna pretend to understand. What I do understand, though, is that there have been 14 million PS5s sold in total thus far, so a production shortage by 1 million... that's significant, and even Santa can't do nothing about it.

The shortages already affected September sales, and are going to continue into next year. Essentially, that means that COVID just f***ed up another Christmas: There will no PS5s and no Steam Decks for Christmas, because this virus wants us to be miserable.


You Don't Need a PS5 for Christmas

Don't be mad, because here's the good news: If you still want to get your gaming on, then streaming is the solution of today: Game Pass is growing and growing, and even PS Now is adding more and more good stuff to its lineup. Plus, with our pro-tip, you can get Game Pass for only 1$:

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The sad thing about all these PS5 shortages is that they are the reason so many next-gen games actually have to cater to the old systems. It's the reason why the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S are still even being called 'next-gen': So few people actually own them, and the PS4 and Xbox One are much more widespread. The real problem is that this affects games like Battlefield 2042 or the upcoming God of War Ragnarok (the one with the Fat Thor)- games that have ridiculous graphical ambitions, but are held back by the small player-base of privileged people who own the new systems (yes, I'm salty). Particularly, multiplayer games can't back on next-gen only, since they are dependent on having as many active players as possible. Sadly, this is likely to go on well into 2022... in fact, 2023 might be the first real 'next-gen year' we get to witness.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....