Like A Dragon Gaiden: How To Bond With Akame

During your time in Like a Dragon Gaiden, you meet a number of different allies. Akame, who is played by the japanese Idol "First Summer Uika" is one of the best ones in the game. Here is how to bond with her during your stay in the entertainment district in Osaka!

Like a Dragon Gaiden How To Bond With Akame
Like A Dragon Gaiden: How to bond with Akame, the jack-of-all-trades. | © Sega/EarlyGame

After witnessing the first story events in Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name, you'll be transported to good ol' Sotenbori that so many of you still hold dear (most Yakuza /Like a Dragon titles took partially place there).

Following a certain incident in Chapter 1, you need to find the jack-of-all-trades Akame in Chapter 2 and join forces with her. After some time, you'll notice that you're able to bond with her as well and deepen your friendship while fighting the dark and twisted underbelly of Sotenbori.

Trivia About The Face Behind Akame

Have you also noticed? Akame is played by the japanese idol, actress and former member of BILLIE IDLE and BiS, First Summer Uika (real name Dojima Uika).

Here is everything you need to know to bond completely with Akame and get the achievement "Drinkin' and Linkin'".

Like A Dragon Gaiden: Bond With Akame

Like A Dragon Gaiden Akame
Like A Dragon Gaiden: Your first encounter with Akame. | © Sega/EarlyGame

To fully bond with Akame you need to complete four Drink-Link Events with her. But before you unlock those events, you need to progress in the story to a certain point and tackle some side quests.

These are the requirements:

  • Unlock the Coliseum in Chapter 2
  • Reach Gold rank in the Coliseum
  • Reach Akame Network level 19

How To Start The Bonding Events

The Drink-Link events will be unlocked for you after you reached the gold rank in the Coliseum. Once you've done it the first bonding event is available, and after you reach Akame Network level 13,16 and 19 respectively the other events will unlock as well.

While bonding, you'll encounter some dialogue options, but it doesn't matter which answer you choose, the outcome is the same. And during the final bonding event you need to fight off some thugs in Sotenbori and once the event is over you will have maxed the bonding level with Akame. Congratulations!

Reward For Bonding With Akame

After you witnessed the last bonding scene with Akame, you'll get the "Drinkin' and Linkin'" achievement/trophy.

Ewelyn Derc

Ewelyn is a Content Creator at EarlyGame. She's mainly interested in everything that comes from Japan and has to do with JRPGs. But also Souls-like, Indies, Shooter, Rogue-likes, Otome, Visual Novel and more are in her field of expertise....