New Prince Of Persia Trailer Receives Heavy Backlash

The new trailer for the upcoming Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown got heavily criticized by the community. Here's why...

Main character in Prince of Persia The Lost Crown
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown gets heavily critisized by fans | @Ubisoft

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, the new side scrolling game published by Ubisoft, got heavily criticized for its reveal trailer. But why is this the case? Well, the community and especially fans of the older similar side scroller games of the Prince of Persia-Franchise complain about a lack of a "Prince of Persia"-feeling.

The game is set to be released on January 18, 2023 on PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch and Amazon Luna.


Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Got Disliked To Hell On YouTube

Some things about the upcoming game seem to have enraged parts of the community, which is shown by the amount of dislikes and comments below the trailers on different YouTube channels.

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Some negative aspects,pointed out by the community include the visuals of the game and the trailer, which doesn't seem to live up to the expectations of a lot of community members. Even though, the game is visually more orientated on the side-on viewpoint of the older side-scrolling games.

Others claimed that the game trailers are lacking the Prince of Persia feeling from the old days. Especially the usage of rap music in the trailer enraged parts of the community. For example, the YouTube-User Fyrdman commented, saying "Looks more like Prince of Bel-Air than Persia", a comparison that was used a lot in the comment section.

And to be honest, it's nice music, which normally fits a trailer full of action. But it didn't really transport the feeling of the old Prince of Persia.


Henning Paul
Henning Paul